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Vous ne croyiez pas, vous autres, que je savais quelque chose de cela! Ah, nous avons un peu de sagacite, voyez vous! Nous ne sommes nullement la bete qu'on pense!" Le membre a "Bylaws" est le bouchon de toutes les emotions mousseuses et genereuses qui se montrent dans la Societe. C'est un empereur manque, un tyran a la troiseme trituration.

My concierge, to whom, with some emotion, I related the story of this occurrence, tried to soothe me by saying: 'J'aurais pu vous dire cela, car voyez, monsieur, cet homme ne vaut pas l'eau qu'il boit. This entirely unforeseen misfortune destroyed our last hopes of getting out of our disastrous position.

After a battle, when he rode over the ground, he would smile, and say, "Ma foi, voyez une grande consommation."

And how varied and beautiful are his impressions of the sea! He can give us the desolation of a calm: La rame inutile Fatigua vainement une mer immobile; or the agitated movements of a great fleet of galleys: Voyez tout l'Hellespont blanchissant sous nos rames;

Sa tete, voyez. Tombe a terre. Sang! Mains, en bain de sang. Comme ca!" So the Turco spoke under the statue of Aphrodite in the gardens of the Tuileries to a crowd of smiling men and girls. He had a German officer's helmet.

I was very indignant, and told him so, and said, "Est-ce que tous les poetes sont fous a cette heure de la soiree?" "Vous voyez," he retorted, "you are not only blasee; you are sarcastic." I enjoyed my dinner immensely in spite of being blasee, and Gautier's fun and amusing talk lasted until we were back in the salon. The Emperor approached us while we were still laughing, and began to talk to us.

Enfin, voyez . . . Qu'est-ce que je voulais dire? Qu'est-ce que c'etait? Ah! je m'en souviens! . . . Salome! Non, venez plus pres de moi. J'ai peur que vous ne m'entendiez pas . . . Salome, vous connaissez mes paons blancs, mes beaux paons blancs, qui se promenent dans le jardin entre les myrtes et les grands cypres.

"He'll find them one day, mes chers," grunted the big blacksmith at St. Anne's. "He'll do anything, that man. Le bon Diable is his papa. Hein? Voyez, mon petit stupide! Last week, because he needs no more and because the devil likes him, he finds gold again in the Nez Cassé! Nom d'un gros porc! But who has dreamed to find gold in the Nez Cassé? Oho!

Her verdict was delivered more in the emphasis of her shrug and the humor of her broad wink than in the loud-whispered "Comme vous voyez, chere dame, de toutes sortes ici, chez nous mais toujours bon genre!" The laughter of one who could not choose her world was stopped, suddenly, by the dipping of the thick fingers into an old snuff-box.

A new army of fugitives had come into the town, I heard voices murmuring below my window, arguing, pleading. There was a banging at doors down the street. "C'est impossible! Il n'y a pas de place! Il y a une foule qui dort en plein air. Voyez! voyez!" The night porter slammed his own door in a rage.