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Revenge me on the perjured lovely devil But I will be brave I will be brave and hate him This she spoke in a tone less fierce, and with great pride, and had not paused and walked above a hasty turn or two, but Octavio, as impatient as love could make him, entered the chamber, so dressed, so set out for conquest, that I wonder at nothing more than that Sylvia did not find him altogether charming, and fit for her revenge, who was formed by nature for love, and had all that could render him the dotage of women: but where a heart is prepossessed, all that is beautiful in any other man serves but as an ill comparison to what it loves, and even Philander's likeness, that was not indeed Philander, wanted the secret to charm.

The boat from the steamer comes up, led to the spot by Philander's shrill whoops, and the men in the water are rescued. In ten minutes they reach the side of the steamer and go aboard. A terrible disaster has been narrowly averted, and John cannot but feel amazed at the wonderful grit shown by this girl, who saved the baronet from a watery grave.

There is a wild look in Philander's eyes, and his teeth rattle like castanets. Really the situation is terrible enough to appall any one. "When do we go down, John?" he asks. "Good Heaven! I trust not at all," and he cheers the other with what the captain has told him. "I wish you could tell the ladies that." "Where are they?" asks John. "Come with me!"

Philander to regain the balance which the sudden fright had so perilously endangered. Unfortunately for them both, Mr. Philander's center of equilibrium was at that very moment hanging upon the ragged edge of nothing, so that it needed but the gentle impetus supplied by the additional weight of Professor Porter's body to topple the devoted secretary from the limb.

Thou know'st the Oaths and Vows she made to me, Never to marry other than my self, And you, Alcander, wrought me to believe them. But now her Vows to marry none but me, Are given to Alcippus, and in his bosom breath'd, With balmy whispers, whilst the ravisht Youth For every syllable returns a kiss, And in the height of all his extasy, Philander's dispossess'd and quite forgotten.

I will not plead, nor ask you leave to love; love is my right, my business, and my province; the empire of the young, the vigorous, and the bold; and I will claim my share; the air, the groves, the shades are mine to sigh in, as well as your Philander's; the echoes answer me as willingly, when I complain, or name the cruel Sylvia; fountains receive my tears, and the kind spring's reflection agreeably flatters me to hope, and makes me vain enough to think it just and reasonable I should pursue the dictates of my soul love on in spite of opposition, because I will not lose my privileges; you may forbid me naming it to you, in that I can obey, because I can; but not to love!

Coward, whom nothing but thy power makes strong; Whom Age and Malice bred t'affright the young; Here thou dost tyrannize to that degree, That nothing but my Death will set me free. Erm. and Isil. SCENE IV. Philander's Apartments. Enter Philander and Alcander. Phil. Urge it no more, your Reasons do displease me; I offer'd her a Crown with her Philander, And she was once pleas'd to accept of it.

So hasty I was to obey Philander's commands, that by the unwearied care and industry of the faithful Brilliard, I went before three o'clock disguised away to the place whither you ordered us, and was well received by the very pretty young woman of the house, who has sense and breeding as well as beauty: but oh, Philander, this flight pleases me not; alas, what have I done? my fault is only love, and that sure I should boast, as the most divine passion of the soul; no, no, Philander, it is not my love's the criminal, no, not the placing it on Philander the crime, but it is thy most unhappy circumstances, thy being married, and that was no crime to heaven till man made laws, and can laws reach to damnation?

And the best part of it is, that if you grow in those ways, that extra money will come to you, but merely as a corollary addition to the greater achievements." "I see your point," Hanlon was greatly impressed by Philander's earnestness. "Maybe you're right. I'm still just a kid, I guess, with a kid's immature outlook. That's why I appreciate your friendship and advice so much, sir.

I dare not, Sir, experience yours I pray. Fal. Alas, alas, I fear we are both rank Cowards. Lab. Rise, Sir, 'tis gone. Fal. This was worse than the fright Alcander put Me into by much. SCENE IX. Philander's Apartments. Enter Philander and Cleontius. Phi. I know he's fled to the Camp, For there he only can secure himself. Cle. I do not think it, Sir.