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Hammond knew there were business pals of his sitting at the little hall tables having a drink before dinner. But he wasn't going to risk interruption; he looked neither to the right nor the left. They could think what they pleased. If they didn't understand, the more fools they and he stepped out of the lift, unlocked the door of their room, and shepherded Janey in. The door shut.

The only one evincing Interest was a He-Hen named Herbert, who took him into the Cloak-Room to plant a few Canadian Thistles in the Garden of Love. Herb said he had always liked the Girl, even if she had given a couple of his Best Pals the Whillykathrow. His Advice was to up and marry her before she had time to pull one of her temperamental Stunts and hand out the Rinkaboo.

But it wasn't for long. Somebody told, I reckon; for in about eight or ten minutes them two pals come tearing forrard as tight as they could jump and darted ashore and was gone. We waited plumb till dawn for them to come back, and kept hoping they would, but they never did. We was awful sorry and low-spirited.

"I'm a new client, Bunny; that makes all the difference. Then we were very good pals out there." "But you and Mrs. Shylock were better still?" "Unbeknowns, Bunny! She used to tell me her troubles when I lent her an arm and took due care to look a martyr; my hunting friend had coarse metaphors about heavy-weights and the knacker's yard." "And yet you came away with the poor soul's necklace?"

"Fortunately, none of the Bosches on the spot could speak English fluently, and I appeared more of a fool at French than German. Herter entirely trusted by his German pals was told off to talk English with me; and a flash of his eye said, here was the friend! It was only a flash, and I couldn't be sure, but it put me on the qui vive.

I'd give something to be one of a bunch of indignant fellows to take Nick Lang and his two pals out to the woods some fine night, and give the same a coat of tar and feathers, or else ride them on a rail. They're a disgrace to the community, and Scranton ought to take them in hand right away. That boy will set the town on fire yet I'm thinking, with his desperate tricks."

They were knit together by the closest ties of intimacy and friendship, or, as Mr. Thomas Potter touchingly observed, they were ‘thick-and-thin pals, and nothing but it.’ There was a spice of romance in Mr.

Chris was not slow to perceive this. "What are you thinking of?" she demanded. "I am thinking of you," he answered promptly. "What of me?" The blue eyes met his quite openly. Chris was always frank to her pals. "I was thinking," he said, in his soft, friendly voice, "how you were happy, and how I was glad." She threw him a quick smile. "How nice of you, Bertie! And how beautifully French!

That means delay the failure of my plans ruin." Gale was silenced by his friend's intensity. Thorne bent over closer with his dark eyes searching bright. "We were old pals once?" "Surely," replied Dick. "What would you say, Dick Gale, if I told you that you're the one man I'd rather have had come along than any other at this crisis of my life?"

"Well, seein' as I'm gettin' along in life, you must be a good way parst the meridian, if yer don't mind my sayin' so.... Funny thing, on the way down I run across a chap wot's visitin' pals in this 'ere village, and 'e pulls me the strangest yarn as ever a body 'eard. Summink to do wiv flames it were Frozen Flames or icicles or frost of some kind.