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"She's glad to see you," she repeated; "it will do her good." And she placed the best chair carefully for Isabel. But she made no movement to seat herself; she seemed ready to retire. "How does this dear child look?" she asked of Isabel, lingering a moment. "She looks pale," Isabel answered. "That's the pleasure of seeing you. She's very happy. Elle eclaire la maison," said the good sister.

She never once turned her head towards the mob who insulted her. She waited in complete passiveness until the yelling and shouting had subsided, motionless save for her finger-tips, which beat an impatient tattoo upon the railing in front of her. The Bulletin says that she took out her handkerchief and wiped her face with it. Elle s'essuya le front qui fut perle de sueur.

Marshall had a friend in this street, and another in that. It was only necessary for him to cry "Stop" to the coachman, and to run up two or three flights of stairs.... "Madame , est-elle chez elle?" "Oui, Monsieur; si Monsieur veut se donner la peine d'entrer." And we were shown into a handsomely-furnished apartment. A lady would enter hurriedly, and an animated discussion was begun.

Then the manner in which she prepared herself for artistic triumph is equally suggestive of the artificial and the conventional: 'Elle se drape, we are told, 'avec un art merveilleux; au theatre elle fait preuve d'études intelligentes de la statuaire antique. It was in the external form rather than by sympathetic emotion that she wooed the tragic muse. Véron compares her to Thiers.

"It's Julie! elle même, Julie!" Maverick, too, had met that glance, and he trembled like a leaf. He gazed upon the stranger like one who sees a spectre. And she met his glance, boldly at the first; then the light faded from her eyes, her head drooped, and she fell in a swoon upon the shoulder of her companion.

In fact, if the truth be told, the Boxers surrounded us in a constant vapour of words so formidable that one might well have reason to be alarmed. P , the Minister, was, indeed, very talkative and gesticulative; his wife was sad and sighed constantly elle poussait des soupirs tristes at the lurid spectacle her husband's words conjured up. According to him, anything was possible.

The climax is reached when Mathilde at last gives way to her passion, and throws herself into the arms of Julien, who forces himself to make no response: Ses bras se roidirent, tant l'effort imposé par la politique était pénible. Je ne dois pas même me permettre de presser contre mon coeur ce corps souple et charmant; ou elle me méprise, ou elle me maltraite. Quel affreux caractère!

Elle est si gentille avec sa mère! Ma Mimisse! Ma petite fille! My little girl! Dites, mon ami' she abandoned the dog 'have you some money for our lunch? Five francs? 'That enough? Henry asked, handing her the piece. 'Thank you, she said. 'Viens, Mimisse. 'You haven't put your hat on, Henry informed her. 'Mais, mon pauvre ami, is it that you take me for a duchess?

Zefa-oo Metramao. Return, return, to the right levels, the right heights, the right depth, the right measure! Your Elle Mei-Measurer, Leveller, require them, Techuti, require them, double Ibis!"

Philip Hale mentions a letter from Balzac to his Countess Hanska, dated March 15, 1841, which concludes: "George Sand did not leave Paris last year. She lives at Rue Pigalle, No. 16...Chopin is always there. Elle ne fume que des cigarettes, et pas autre chose" Mr. Hale states that the italics are in the letter. So much for De Lenz and his fidibus! I am impelled here to quote from Mr.