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Pierce, the surgeon, towards Tyburne, to see the people executed; but come too late, it being done; two men and a woman hanged, and so back again and to my coachmaker's, and there did come a little nearer agreement for the coach, and so to Duck Lane, and there my bookseller's, and saw his moher, but elle is so big-bellied that elle is not worth seeing.

This day I hear also that last night the Duke of Kendall, second son of the Duke of York, did die; and that the other, Duke of Cambridge, continues very ill still. This afternoon I had opportunity para jouer with Mrs. Pen, tokendo her mammailles and baisando elle, being sola in the casa of her pater, and she fort willing. 24th.

Criticising a portrait of herself in that scene, she said to the painter, "Ma robe ne fait pas ce pli la; elle fait, au contraire, celui-ci." The artist, inclined to defend his picture, asked her how, while she was lying with her eyes shut and feigning utter insensibility, she could possibly tell anything about the plaits of her dress.

"Voyez-vous," cried she, "comme elle est propre, cette demoiselle Lucie? Vous aimez done cette allee, Meess?" "Yes," I said, "it is quiet and shady."

* A lady, confined in one of the state prisons, made an offering, through the hands of a Deputy, of ten thousand livres; but the Convention observed, that this could not properly be deemed a gift for, as she was doubtless a suspicious person, all she had belonged of right to the republic: "Elle doit etre a moi, dit il, et la raison, "C'est que je m'appelle Lion "A cela l'on n'a rien a dire."

Among them was not Miss Harman, whose letters Miss Marlett always deliberately opened and read before delivering them. "Il y a une lettre pour moi, et elle va la lire," said poor Janey to her friend, who, for her part, never received any letters, save a few, at stated intervals, from Maitland.

The boy inherited much from his father; but, unlike Turgenev, he had the best of all private tutors, a good mother, of whom his biographer says, Elle demeure toujours sa plus intime amie.* *For the facts in Gogol's life, I have relied chiefly on the doctor's thesis by Raina Tyrneva, Aix, 1901. At the age of twelve, Nikolai was sent away to the high school at Nezhin, a town near Kiev.

The boy was delighted and said to his governess: "Elle est bien jolie, l'Imperatrice, mais il ne faut pas le dire a Maman." Seventy-eight was a most important year for us in many ways. Besides the interest and fatigues of the exposition and the constant receiving and official festivities of all kinds, a great event was looming before us the Berlin Congress. One had felt it coming for some time.

"C'est elle qui me l'a dit, et je ne dois pas le savoir!" Silence again. The tearful voice once more: "Noemi!" No answer. "Noemi, listen!" Still no answer. Jeanne began to cry, and Noemi yielded. "For heaven's sake! what Is it now?" "Piero cannot know that my husband is dead." "Well, and what of that?" "Then he cannot know that I am free," "Well? How stupid you are! You make me angry!" Silence.

We only wish for an equitable treaty, and this I hope we shall manage.... Est-ce qu'on ne vous verra pas durant les vacances? Mistress Ross est passee par Paris il y a huit ou dix jours; elle est venue me voir un instant; elle m'a paru tres bien portante. Bonne sante et bien des amities. July 22nd.