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Passez-moi le beurre, s'il vous plait, Mellicent, ma tres chere. J'aime beaucoup le beurre, quand il est frais. Est-ce que vous aimez le beurre plus de la, I forget at the moment how you translate jam, il fait tres beau, ce apres-midi, n'est pas?" She was so absolutely, imperturbably grave that no one dared to laugh.

Quelles délices, quel délire, Dans sa bouche et son sourire! Et sa voix qui ne dirait Que le rossignol chantait? Qu'elle est belle la marquise! La marquise! ma marquise! Bel amour est sa devise, Et sa profession de foi Est: je vous aime aimez moi! Qu'elle est belle la marquise! "Oh, how interesting!" cried Lilly. "I shall die if I don't find out something more about him."

The Vicomte had begun a game, so could not talk to us, but some more officers were introduced, and, after the usual bowing, we began to talk. "Vous aimez le tennis, mademoiselle?" "Oui, monsieur," from Victorine. "Moi, je le déteste," from me. "Pas possible!" from every one. "Je vous assure on ne joue que le croquet chez nous." "Le croquet," from Victorine, "un jeu de Couvent!" "Le croquet!

When the Civil War broke out, the fifth Marquis, John Paulet, decided to defend the house for the King, and gathering his friends and retainers about him, amply provisioning his cellars and "writing 'Aimez Loyalte' on every pane of his windows with the diamond of his ring," he calmly awaited the Roundheads, who were soon in possession of Basingstoke.

It is the only part that gives me pleasure; such an absurd superficial pretender to learning I never met with, and after all of what learning! Then he tries to copy Mr. Adieu, dear Lady Carlisle; si vous pouvez supporter tout ce bavardage, cest parce que vous aimez votre fille, qui en est en partie la cause. Sir Archibald Macdonald, afterward Chief Baron of the Exchequer. John St. John. Henry St.

We were spared Yolande and Marie, who usually sit up to dinner with their German bonne, and eat everything that they shouldn't, and then scream in the night. There was a buzz of conversation, and the Vicomte talked to me, but I could not help hearing what the Marquis said to Victorine "Vous aimez la bicyclette, mademoiselle?" "Oui, monsieur." "Moi j'aime mieux l'automobile."

He seemed very anxious to know concerning the quarrels of the Regent and his wife, upon which subject F., of course, evaded giving him any answers. He said, "On dit qu'il aime la Mère de ce Yarmouth mais vous Anglais, vous aimez les vielles Femmes," and he laughed very much. He avoided speaking of Maria Louisa, but spoke of Joséphine with affection, saying, "Elle étoit une excellente Femme."

It is said that when Humboldt, the celebrated traveller and naturalist, was introduced to Buonaparte, the Emperor addressed him in these words 'Vous aimez la botanique, Monsieur'; and on the other's replying in the affirmative, added, 'Et ma femme aussi! This has been found fault with as a piece of brutality and insolence in the great man by bigoted critics, who do not know what a thing it is to get a Frenchwoman to agree with them in any point.

Multiply this by a million-fold and you have the Reign of Terror, the second chapter of the French Revolution. "Aimez les amis du peuple et l'enthousiasme pour la liberté, mais réservez l'aveugle soumission pour la loi," said Lafayette to the Federation of National Guards.

"Voyez-vous," cried she, "comme elle est propre, cette demoiselle Lucie? Vous aimez done cette allee, Meess?" "Yes," I said, "it is quiet and shady."