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She rose, and just grazed his ear with her little finger. 'Va! she said. He felt that she was beyond anything in his previous experience. A little later she told him she had to go to the Scala to sign her contract, and she issued an order that he was to take Mimisse out for a little exercise, and return for her in half an hour, when she would be dressed.

So Henry went forth with Mimisse at the end of a strap. In the Boulevard de Clichy who should accost him but Tom, whom he had left asleep as usual at the hotel! 'What dog is that? Tom asked. 'Cosette's, said Henry, unsuccessfully trying to assume a demeanour at once natural and tranquil. 'My young friend, said Tom, 'I perceive that it will be necessary to look after you.

Elle est si gentille avec sa mère! Ma Mimisse! Ma petite fille! My little girl! Dites, mon ami' she abandoned the dog 'have you some money for our lunch? Five francs? 'That enough? Henry asked, handing her the piece. 'Thank you, she said. 'Viens, Mimisse. 'You haven't put your hat on, Henry informed her. 'Mais, mon pauvre ami, is it that you take me for a duchess?

He did not exactly know what a woman pot-au-feu might be, but he agreed enthusiastically that she was that sort of woman. At the stage of coffee Mimisse had a piece of sugar steeped in coffee she produced cigarettes, and made him light his cigarette at hers, and put her elbows on the table and looked at his ears.

The lunch seemed to be ready in about three minutes, and it was merely perfection. Such steak, such masterly handling of green vegetables, and such 'nuns! And the wine! There were three at table, Mimisse being the third. Mimisse partook of everything except wine. 'You see I am a woman pot-au-feu, said Cosette, not without satisfaction, in response to his praises of the meal.

'Whatever you like, said Henry. 'Rumsteak? Say. 'Oh yes, said Henry. She reappeared in a plain black frock, with a reticule in her hand, and at the same moment a fox-terrier wandered in from somewhere. 'Mimisse! she cried in ecstasy, snatching up the animal and kissing it. 'You want to go with your mamma? Yess. What do you think of my fox? She is real English.