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Whereat that gentleman redoubled his attentions, seeing only in her presence a certain meprise, which concerned her more than himself. The niece of his enemy meant nothing more to him than an interesting girl, to be protected always, to be feared, never. But even suspicion may be insidiously placed in noble minds.

Edme Sophie Gail-Garre, who flourished at the beginning of the nineteenth century, won some renown by her very popular songs and piano pieces, but was known chiefly by her successful operas. Among these were "Les Deux Jaloux," "Mlle. de Launay," "La Méprise," and "La Serenade." Mlle. Guenin, another youthful aspirant for fame, produced "Daphnis et Amanthée" in her seventeenth year.

But if you say that in this there was any méprise to my wife, that is not true. I have lost all my place here. I came in from the streets; but I understand her, and all the fine things in her, better than any of you here. If that accident had not been, she would have lived happy with me for years. As for me, I have never believed in this happiness. I was not born under a good star.

The climax is reached when Mathilde at last gives way to her passion, and throws herself into the arms of Julien, who forces himself to make no response: Ses bras se roidirent, tant l'effort imposé par la politique était pénible. Je ne dois pas même me permettre de presser contre mon coeur ce corps souple et charmant; ou elle me méprise, ou elle me maltraite. Quel affreux caractère!

Her works include piano trios, sonatas, and songs with piano and harp, besides the operetta, "La Belle Fermière," and the comic opera, "Ida." Mlle. Duval was another grand opera singer, and author of the ballet, "Les Genies." Mlle. Kercado, of later date, produced the operetta, "La Méprise Volontaire."

That set him thinking about languages and trying to recall his seventh-standard French. "Je suis Anglais. C'est une meprise. Je suis arrive par accident ici," he decided upon as convenient phrases. Then it occurred to him that he would entertain himself by reading Mr. Butteridge's letters and examining his pocket-book, and in this manner he whiled away the afternoon.

"JE NE MEPRISE PRESQUE RIEN" he says, with Leibniz: let us not overlook nor undervalue the PRESQUE! Neither is he a model man; he does not go in advance of any one, nor after, either; he places himself generally too far off to have any reason for espousing the cause of either good or evil.

Madame de Guercheville came forth, followed by the women of her household; and when the King, unprepared for so benign a welcome, giddy with love and hope, saw her radiant in pearls and more radiant yet in a beauty enhanced by the wavy torchlight and the surrounding shadows, he scarcely dared trust his senses: "Que vois-je, madame; est-ce bien vous, et suis-je ce roi meprise?"

En un mot, la petite meprise du Roi de Prusse n'empeche pas qu'il ne soit le plus singulier de tous les homines." And now, with fiery eloquence, he began to show that upon these words hung the merit of the drama; that this speech was the most important of all! With jeers and sarcasm he drove poor D'Arnaud to the wall, who, breathless, raging, choking, could find no words nor strength to reply.

"You are speaking of a pretty woman just as you might of an English horse," said Grushnitski indignantly. "Mon cher," I answered, trying to mimic his tone, "je meprise les femmes, pour ne pas les aimer, car autrement la vie serait un melodrame trop ridicule." I turned and left him.