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Yet, inasmuch as there is a current in reading which one once fairly into is loath to be pushed out of, we may be forgiven for quoting a material passage or two.... "There is much for my Lord to do" the Prince says, speaking to his noble eleve.

"Our folks," at first, thought it an odd and unnecessary addition to their well-trained domestic establishment; but, so thoroughly efficient was Miss Ophelia in her conscientious endeavor to do her duty by her eleve, that the child rapidly grew in grace and in favor with the family and neighborhood.

«Il n'est même pas nécessaire, pour se convaincre de la vérité da ces faits, de gravir sur le Cramont. Il suffit de jeter les yeux sur la premiere carte que l'on trouvera sous la main, des Pyrénées, de l'Apennin, des Alpes, ou de quelqu'autre chaîne de montagnes que ce puisse être. On y verra toutes les vallées indiquées par le cours des rivieres; on verra ces rivieres et les vallées dans lesquelles elles coulent, aboutir par une de leurs extrémités au sommet de quelque montagne ou de quelque col élevé. Les replis tortueux d'un grand fleuve, indiqueront une vallée principale, dans laquelle des torrens ou des rivieres qui indiquent d'autres vallées moins considérables, viennent aboutir, sous des angles plus ou moins approchans de l'angle droit. Or ces rivieres qui viennent de droite et de gauche se jeter dans la vallée principale, ne s'accordent pas pour se jeter par paires dans le même point du fleuve; elles sont comme les branches d'un arbre qui s'implantent alternativement sur son tronc, et par conséquent, chaque petite vallée se jette dans la vallée principale vis-

Bicknell a respectable but ordinary man, of whom little is known but that he married Sabrina Sidney, the ELEVE of Thomas Day, author of 'Sandford and Merton' that "he had some of the too usual faults of a man of genius: he detested the drudgery of business." But there cannot be a greater mistake.

It was a bold idea, but the result proved that Antoine Court was justified in entertaining it. "Ci gist le mari de Thérèse De la Montespan le Mignon, L'esclave de la Maintenon, Le valet du père La Chaise." At the death of Louis XIV., Voltaire, an élève of the Jesuits, was appropriately coming into notice.

"Mais oui; vons avez ete mon meilleur ami." "And what, Frances, are you to me?" "Votre devouee eleve, qui vous aime de tout son coeur." "Will my pupil consent to pass her life with me? Speak English now, Frances." Some moments were taken for reflection; the answer, pronounced slowly, ran thus:

"I do, as it happens. But I fail to see how Christian Banneker's son and élève could. Yet you write editorials for The Ledger." "Not on those topics." "Have you never had your editorials altered or cut or amended, in such manner as to give a side-slant toward the paper's editorial fetiches?" Again and most uncomfortably Banneker felt his color change. "Yes; I have," he admitted.

During the bad weather, which forced the other boats to make the land, these two had a great deal of difficulty to resist a heavy sea and an extremely high wind. Two young seamen gave proofs of courage and coolness in these critical moments, in the barge. Mr. Barbotin, élève of the marine: and in the captain's barge, Mr.

"I feel the justice of what you say, my love," returned the mournful voice of her governess, "and yet am I so weak as to be unable entirely to shake off a sort of superstitious feeling on this subject. Gertrude, would you not wish to see that youth again?" "Me, Ma'am!" exclaimed her élève, in a sort of alarm.

There are no roll calls or other military frills, and in place of the bunk he slept upon as an eleve, he finds a regular bed in a room to himself, and the services of an orderly. Even men of higher rank who although connected with his escadrille are not pilots, treat him with respect. His two mechanicians are under his orders.