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You drink at dat price you have covenanted for one hour, you drink at same price anodder hour, and you sleep but you pay all de same, wedder you drink or wedder you sleep, two pence, or dree pence, or four pence de hour. It is an old custom. You understand? It is de custom of de country of La belle Provence."

"Yesterday started in fine, but look what happened before night." "Look what happened!" echoed Jimmy. "I don't believe since we joined the service any more things have happened in any one day. We ought to be thankful we're alive." "Sure we are," said Iggy. "But I thinks me dat he is going to rain!" "Who's he?" asked Franz. "Him!" and Iggy pointed to the sun. "Der wedder I mean.

'tain't no matter wedder de critter is a male or a fimmale; I'm a-goin' to bring it down from dar mighty quick," said Uncle Eb, fumbling with the cartridge-box which was attached to his broad leather belt, and preparing to load his rifle, while he cast murderous looks aloft. "No, you don't, then!" said Cyrus hotly.

While we were engaged in eating our steak, he put some glasses on the table and handed me a black bottle, about two-thirds full, and said, "Massa, dis here fog ab got down my troat, and up into my head, and most kill me, I can't tell wedder dat is wine or rum, I is almost clean gwine distracted. Will Massa please to tell me?" I knew what he was at, so sais I, "If you can't smell it, taste it."

Here was no forgiveness to be asked of dulled senses. No bending in expiation of faults committed. He was here as master. “Fanny, what does this mean?” he asked in cold anger; with no heat now, no passion. “Yaas, me tell madame, she goin’ fur ketch cole si she don’ mine out. Dat not fur play dat kine wedder, no. Teck chair, M’sieur; dry you’se’f leet beet. Me mek you one cup coffee.”

"I thought she must be possumin'," she said, "but I know she is as fas' asleep now as de bar' in de hollow ob a tree in cole wedder, for she made no 'sistance like wen I grabbed de key from undernefe her head, an' here it is, chile, an' ef you wants to try your 'speriment you kin, but I spec you'd better wait a spell," and she looked cunningly at me; "dere's traps everywhar in dese woods!"

"He's a gwineter fix hit up so dat dere won't be so much worriment 'mong de w'ite fokes 'bout de kinder wedder w'at falls to dere lot." "He gwine dish em up," suggested one of the older ones, "like man dish out sugar. "No," answered Uncle Remus, mopping his benign features with a very large and very red bandana. "He's a gwineter fix um better'n dat.

"Brer Wolf looked like he wuz bleedz ter fin' out what wuz in de jug, en he keep a-pesterin' Brer Rabbit 'bout it; but Brer Rabbit des shake his head en look sollum, en talk 'bout de wedder en de craps, en one thing en anudder. Bimeby Brer Fox make out he wuz gwine atter a drink er water, en he slip out, he did, fer to ketch de little Rabs.

Well, arter de speech about de wedder, dey bof blushed I could see dat, dough I was tryin' hard not to look, and dey was so long silent dat I begin to t'ink ob offerin' to help, when Massa Lawrence he plucked up heart all ob a suddent, an' went in like a good un.

You goin' down dere an' git job you see de good contrie. You no com' back Nort' no more. So A'm goin' down w'en de col' wedder com' an' A'm git de job wit' ol' man Fisher on, w'at you call Yuma bench Sacré!" The half-breed paused and wiped his face. "Didn't you like it down Yuma Way?" Benton smiled. "Lak it! Voila! No wataire! No snow! Too mooch, w'at you call, de leezard!