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But des todes de las' Good gits de knee-lock, En dey draps ter de groun' ker flop! Good had de inturn, en he stan' like a rock, En he bleedzd for ter be on top. De dry wedder breaks wid a big thunder-clap, For dey ain't no drout' w'at kin las', But de seasons w'at whoops up de cotton crap, Likewise dey freshens up de grass.

"Don't you wish you were going, Rad?" the young inventor asked, for the colored man had decided to stay at home. "No indeedy, Massa Tom," was the answer. "Dat's a mighty cold country in Shebeara, an' I laik warm wedder." "Well, take care of yourself and Boomerang," answered Tom with a laugh. Then he pulled the lever that sent a supply of gas into the big bag, and the ship began to rise.

In his courteous, almost affectionate way, he stopped to have a word with me about the coldness of the weather and the danger of the icy pavements. "I'm t'ankful to be at last home," he said, showing his teeth with a cordial smile, as he removed the muffler from his neck, which I thought nature had sufficiently protected with an ample red beard. "Take my advice, my frient, tempt not de wedder.

He had been sedulously plied with drink by "Charlie Mitchell" and some others of the Ross and Sutherland sheep-farmers, till reticence had departed from his tongue. Ultimately he had leaped on the table, breaking any quantity of glass-ware in the saltatory feat, and had asserted with free swearing his readiness to give 50s. all round for every three-year-old wedder in the north of Scotland.

Follow love, and it will flee from thee; leave it, and it will follow thee. Fill fow, and had fow, makes a starke man. Fools should have no chappin sticks. Fidlers, dogs and flies, come to the feast uncalled. Fire is good for the farcy. Few words sufficeth to a wise man. Friendship stands not in One side. Give never the Wolf the Wedder to keep. Gods help is nearer nor the fair even.

There they get what Mr. M'Combie called the last dip and the butcher sells them as "prime four-year-old wedder mutton." The size of some of the Highland sheep farms is to be reckoned by miles not by acres; and the stock, as in Australia, by the thousand. The largest sheep-owner, perhaps, that the Highlands ever knew was Cameron of Corrichollie, now dead.

Och! it’s to be hoped that the missionaries will, in his own time, make a conversion of the poor devils; and then it will matter little of what color is the skin, or wedder there be wool or hair on the head“Oh! it is Latin, not Indian, Miss Hollisterreturned the lawyer, repeating his winks and shrewd looks; “and Dr.

Dey went inter fahmin', en I speck ef de troof wuz ter come out, dey kep' sto', en had der camp-meetin' times en der bobbycues w'en de wedder wuz 'greeble." Uncle Remus evidently thought that the little boy wouldn't like to hear of any further discomfiture of Brer Rabbit, who had come to be a sort of hero, and he was not mistaken.

I neber seed 'em. An', let erlone dat, I ain't neber hyeard uv 'em yit;" for Mammy could not conceive of a person's being rich without niggers. "But, wedder she's rich or po'," continued the old lady, "she ain't no bizness er shettin' up my chile; an' marster he oughtn't ter 'low it."

He is now in this year 558 the sole king of all conquered Gaul. Glory to the Saints in heaven! Now, then, that Clotaire is the wedder of the whole human race. The bishops have married him as many times as it has pleased him to celebrate fresh weddings; they remarried him even during the lives of most of his wives.