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Updated: August 28, 2024

Maxley sat smoking complacently; and when his turn came to groan, he said drily: "I draad all mine a week afore. The club was wroth. "What, you went and made yourself safe and never gave any of us a chance? Was that neighbourly? was that clubbable?" To a hailstorm of similar reproaches, Maxley made but one reply, "'Twarn't my business to take care o' you."

"Waal, sir, ef'twarn't fur the testimony o' the words he reads ez air graven on them rocks, I couldn't-git my cornsent ter b'lieve ez Moses ever war in Tennessee," said the advanced thinker. "I ain't onder-takin' ter say what State he settled in, but I 'lowed 'twarn't hyar. It mus' hev been, though, 'count o' the scripture on them broken tables."

"'Twarn't no count of a meetin'!" said Theresa, a little touch of scorn, or indignation, coming into her voice; "and Darry, he war in his own house prayin'. Dere warn't nobody dere, but Pete and ole 'Liza, and Maria, cook, and dem two Johns dat come from de lower plantation. Dey couldn't get a strong meetin' into Uncle Darry's house; 'tain't big enough to hold 'em."

"Can't yer say what he's gwine to do, widout any of dem dern outlandish Spanish 'spressions." "'Twarn't Spanish, lubly one," said 'Dolf, greatly delighted at the effect his grandiloquent language had produced. "Sometimes I do 'dulge in far away tongues jist from habit; its' trabeling so much, you know." "Don't know nothin' about it, and don't want to," interrupted Clorinda.

"You're sure you haven't forgotten, Uncle Joshua?" "Sartain sure!" "You didn't ask no one to get it?" "Never mentioned a word to a livin' bein'." Lilac stared thoughtfully at the cobbler, who had now gone back to his little shed and was hard at work. "P'r'aps, then," she said, "'twarn't you neither who sent Mother's cactus down to the farm?"

"Thar," he faltered, pointing with his pipe-stem "jes' a minit ago I seen it! a ghost riz up over the bluff inter Old Daddy's Window!" The woman fell instantly into a panic. "'Twarn't a-beckonin', war it? 'Twarn't a-beckonin'? 'Kase ef it war, ye'll hev ter die right straight! That air a sure sign."

First came Cy, as grave as a sexton; then the wheelbarrow with Poppy, white and limp and speechless, all in a bunch; then mamma, looking amused, anxious and angry; then Nelly, weeping as if her tender heart was entirely broken; while the man watched them, with a grin, saying to himself: "Twarn't my fault. The child was a reg'lar fool to swaller it."

"He eat his dinner along of we-uns." "Who? the Gov'nor o' the State?" exclaimed Birt, astounded. "Naw, 'twarn't HIM," Tim admitted somewhat reluctantly, since Birt seemed disposed to credit "we-uns" with a gubernatorial guest. "It's the surveyor I'm talkin' 'bout. Nate hed ter pay him three dollars an' better fur medjurin' the land.

He sat silent, blinking in the sunshine that fell through the gourd-vines which clambered about the porch where Si had placed his chair. "'Twarn't much of a sizable sperit," Si declared; he seemed courageous enough now to measure the ghost like a tailor. "It warn't more'n four feet high, ez nigh ez dad could jedge. Toler'ble small fur a harnt!" Still the old man made no reply.

His hold was relaxed while falling. Quincy doubled his legs up, put both feet against Bob's stomach, gave him a violent kick, and Bob was once more upon his back. "'Twarn't fair," he yelled. "I had him down first." "We weren't playing for points," said Quincy, "and everything's fair in rough and tumble. If you want some more, I'm ready." Bob stood sullenly, but made no move forward.

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