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Updated: January 24, 2025

Nance Dempsey was nursing her new-born babe, sitting up in her straw, and doing very well after her late illness, when old Noreen tottered in from the front of the ruin to tell her that "the body they were just speaking about was driving up the hill mad, like as if't was his own sperit in great throuble."

There's enough Scotch stubbornness in Allan t' try to make a leader outen a cur jest becus folks said he couldn't. Up in Dawson I heered once he trained a timber wolf t' lead a team o' McKenzie huskies; but he'd find that a heap easier 'n puttin' the racin' sperit inter that low-down Golconda hound; an' I'll bet he'll git all that's comin' t' him this time fer his pains."

I tell you, Mis' Kittridge, folks don't tend the sick and dyin' bed year in and out, at all hours, day and night, and not see some remarkable things; that's my opinion." "Well, Miss Roxy, did you ever see a sperit?" "I won't say as I have, and I won't say as I haven't," said Miss Roxy; "only as I have seen some remarkable things." There was a pause, in which Mrs.

"But the sperets can't get out on account ov the accidents that's stuck in the neck ov the bottle," says his Riv'rence. "Accident ought to be passable to sperit," says the Pope, "and that makes me suspect that the reality ov the cork's in it afther all." "That's a barony-masia," says his Riv'rence, "and I'm not bound to answer it.

All you-all can do is humbly an' meekly pick up the five kyards that belongs to you, an' in a sperit of thankfulness an' praise, an' frankly admittin' that you're lucky to be allowed to play at all, do your lowly best tharwith. Ain't I right, Doc? An' Cherokee, lookin' warm an' earnest, turns to Peets.

"Well," sez I, "I don't know as I feel so very intimate with her, I never see the dog, but her idees on wimmen's rights is sensible, I've read about 'em." And that kinder headed Josiah off onto a new tact; we had had a dretful good supper, and I believe Miss Trimble had made a sight on him, I believe she had flattered and pompeyed him and for the time bein' he felt soft in sperit towards the sex.

And when once married, you'll have to fight your own battles, and no joke it'll be for either of you. But if, as I'm thinking, he has no idea on arth of marrying you, no more than he has of Mary Brady, I'll be d d if I let him come here fooling you, though you haven't sperit enough to prevent it yourself. We're low enough already, Feemy, but for heaven's sake don't be making us lower yet!"

"If you had the sperit of yo' grandpa you'd have knocked him down in the road," said Sarah angrily. "Yes, yes, I'd have knocked him down in the road," chimed in the old man, with the eagerness of a child. "You can't knock a man down when he asks to borrow your lantern," returned Abel, doggedly, on the defensive. "Oh, you can't, can't you?" jeered Sarah.

I knowed that him meant the things of the sperit, but my human heart translated it, and I sithed and felt that the Jordan my soul wuz passin' through wuz indeed a hard pathway, and I couldn't help castin' a wishful eye on Jonesville's fair and happy land, where my earthly possession, my Josiah, lay. But to resoom.

'Amen, says he, 'whether you're joking or not. The moment he said that my mind was relieved, for I knew it was not a sperit, and I began to laugh heartily at my mistake; 'and who are ye at all? said I, 'that's roving about, at this hour of the night, ye can't be Father Luke, for I left him asleep on the carpet before I quitted the college, and faith, my friend, if you hadn't the taste for divarsion ye would not be out now? He coughed then so hard that I could not make out well what he said, but just perceived that he had lost his way on the common, and was a little disguised in liquor.

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