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"Beyond the crick; 'twarn't half a mile from where father was killed at the deer-lick. I saw a light in the bushes. It was a campfire an' I couldn't go by without seein' what it was for. So I crept up on it an' bymeby I saw the man." "You don't know who he was?" asked the widow, quickly. "No, marm." "Did he have a dark face and was his nose hooked?" "I couldn't see his face.

Joel flew to Polly for comfort. "And Mr. Seeley's nice," said David, who had found out the old farmer's name on the long, slow, homeward journey, and now seemed afraid he might be blamed, and not thanked enough. The old farmer, not hearing this, or indeed much of the talk, kept saying at intervals, "'Twarn't my fault. I ain't to blame," till Mrs.

'Them are spry chaps, I reckon, was the parent's reflection, with some pride in their successful free-booting, though he had opposed its details. 'I would teach them to be honest, Mr. Bunting; which speech only evoked a laugh. 'Now I guess you're riled 'cos they ran away with yer sugar, jest as ef 'twarn't more mine than yourn.

"Why, they was a scoutin' party out from the post, about twenty miles below where we was. They chased the Injuns, but the devils scattered and 'twarn't no use. "I went in to the fort with 'em, and stayed thar about a week, and then went down to San Antonio with Major Neighbors, the Injun agent.

Early in de mawnin' some er de niggers come along, gwyne to de fields, en dey tuk me en showed me dis place, whah de dogs can't track me on accounts o' de water, en dey brings me truck to eat every night, en tells me how you's a-gitt'n along." "Why didn't you tell my Jack to fetch me here sooner, Jim?" "Well, 'twarn't no use to 'sturb you, Huck, tell we could do sumfn but we's all right now.

"'Twarn't a man, 'twas a gal," put in young Adam, "I seed Molly Merryweather goin' toward the low grounds as I come up." "Then it's most likely to have been she," commented Solomon, "for she is a light-minded one, as is proper an' becomin' in a child of sin."

I threshed for Varmer Blaize Blaize o' Beltharpe afore I goes to Varmer Bollop. Varmer Blaize misses pilkins. He swears our chaps steals pilkins. 'Twarn't me steals 'em. What do he tak' and go and do? He takes and tarns us off, me and another, neck and crop, to scuffle about and starve, for all he keers. God warn't above the devil then, I thinks. Not nohow, as I can see!"

Nobody shall know; you need not be afraid; nobody shall know." For I saw a cloud of hesitation in Margaret's face. "'Twarn't nothin', Miss Daisy only about Darry." "What about Darry?" I said, trembling. "He done went and had a praise-meetin'," said Theresa; "and he knowed it war agin the rules; he knowed that. 'Course he did. Rules mus' be kep'." "Whose rules?" I asked.

At fust the racket of it even skeered Towse so he wouldn't come out from under the house fur two days an' better; he jes sot under thar an' growled, an' shivered, an' showed his teeth ef enny-body spoke ter him. Nobody don't like Lee-yan-der's performin' better'n I do whenst he plays them saaft, slippin'-away, slow medjures, ez sound plumb religious ef 'twarn't a sin ter say so.