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We hear it said, both of Tennyson and another current leading literary illustrator of Great Britain, Carlyle as of Victor Hugo in France that not one of them is personally friendly or admirant toward America; indeed, quite the reverse. N'importe. But we can by no means afford to be oblivious of them. The same of feudalism, its castles, courts, etiquettes, personalities.

I have lived long enough in votre Angleterre to understand how little you know notre France; mais n'importe. Brave men can understand one another all over the world; for the little time which is left me, we shall be friends." Cuffe seized Raoul's hand, and even a tear escaped him, as he squeezed it warmly.

Yez know exactly where the doctor keeps it, an' ye might get at it a hape handier than I can." "Pourquoi, Barney? pecause, mon ami, I help pack les possibles of Monsieur le docteur. Pardieu! he would me suspect." "I don't see the raison clear. He may suspect ye at all evints. How thin?" "Ah! then, n'importe. I sall make von grand swear. No! I sall have ver clear conscience then."

In the corner a fat, middle-aged woman sat weeping quietly on a sack. The host, sullen and phlegmatic, answered every question with a shake of the head and a muttered "N'importe." The money he threw contemptuously on the counter. The soldiers thought they were spies. "As speaking the langwidge," I asked him what the matter was.

'Ah! mais vraiment, Marie, tu es merveilleuse! What is certain is that neither that glass nor Torre Amiata is worthy of it. N'importe. One must keep up standards. 'Certainly, madame, you look better to-day. 'I slept. Why did I sleep? I can't imagine. After all, Torre Amiata is not such a bad place is it Marie? And with a laugh, she lightly touched her maid's cheek.

The Abbe Jerome Coignard, having come to the end of his discourse, emptied a big glass of wine, while Catherine sang: "Par l'epee ou par le fourreau Devenir due est toujours beau Il n'importe le maniere Laire lan laire." "Abbe," said M. d'Anquetil, "you do not drink, and in spite of such abstinence you lose your reason.

Yes, and worse, the prophet, Mr. Ritchie." "And why worse, sir?" I asked. "You predicted that Congress would never repay me for the little loan I advanced to your Colonel." "It was not such a little loan, Monsieur," I said. "N'importe," said he; "I went to Richmond with my box of scrip and promissory notes, but I was not ill repaid.

We plume ourselves upon the time when we handed from our docks everything to poor indolent Europe, or only for the ignorant colonies," said Lady Esmondet, ironically. "N'importe, chere Lady Esmondet," answered Trevalyon, merrily.

Et cependant, malgre cela je suis d'une tristesse mortelle, et j'ai beau me raisonner la-contre. Nous avons ete si heureux ensemble a Paris, malgre notre sale petite rue que je vois bien la verite de ce que tu m'as dit qu'il vaudrait mieux vivre dans n'importe quel tandis, ensemble, que dans des palais, et separes.

Also he told us, one night, in his gentle, crazy, shrugging voice, that once upon a time he played the fiddle with a big woman in Alsace-Lorraine for fifty francs a night; "c'est la misere" adding quietly, "I can play well, I can play anything, I can play n'importe quoi."