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Suffice to say, that in them the worst passions of human nature have full swing, unmodified by any thought of human or divine restraints, and only dashed a little now and then by the apprehension that the slaves may rise, and make a clean sweep of the metropolis with fire and steel. But n'importe Vive la bagatelle!

"Good-by, Tommy, old boy; hope the tin fish don't get you going back!" "Hurry up back and bring some more over, Whitey!" "Bon voyage!" "Au revoir!" "Give my regards to Broadway, Whitey." "Cheer up, Whitey, old pal. Kaiser Bill'll be worse off than you are when we get at him." "N'importe, Whitey." "I'll be there," called Tom. "Venez donc!" some one answered, amid much laughter.

Aberton, with three or four other men; with that glaring good-breeding, so peculiar to the English, he instantly directed their eyes towards me in one mingled and concentrated stare. "N'importe," thought I, "they must be devilish clever fellows if they can find a single fault either in my horse or myself."

Pour devenir membre d'une de ces Societes, on doit avoir le moins de cheveux possible. S'il y en reste plusieurs qui resistent aux depilatoires naturelles et autres, on doit avoir quelques connaissances, n'importe dans quel genre. Des le moment qu'on ouvre la porte de la Societe, on a un grand interet dans toutes les choses dont on ne sait rien.

"Well, never mind, I shall manage every thing properly. What can you do with the small sword, for they have rapiers at the mill?" "Nothing whatever; I have not fenced since I was a boy." "N'importe then we'll fight at a barriere. I know they're not prepared for that from Englishmen; so just step on one side now, and leave me to talk it over."

"Have you told Harry? Do you know that villain Morgan knows all." "I know it," she said. "Have you told Harry?" "No, no," she said. "You won't betray me?" "Morgan will," said Pen. "No, he wont," said Blanche. "I have promised him n'importe.