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"From Earl Beaconsfield to music is a long look, but let us take it," said Lady Esmondet; "Miss Marchmont, will you sing for us?" As Miranda asked Rev. Robert what it should be, Vaura said in an undertone to Trevalyon: "I do admire the clever Earl immensely, and not only because it is the decree of the god of fashion."

"The absent Marquis likes well the form of the god of wine," said Lady Esmondet, directing her companion's gaze towards a group of statuary on a small inlaid stand, and reflected in a pier glass, representing Anacreon smilingly advancing, carrying in his arms the infants Bacchus and Cupid. "'Tis a pretty group, extremely chic," said Vaura.

"I feel quite agricultural," said Vaura, laughing, as they joined Lady Esmondet, who was talking to a Government attache, from London. "Mr. Douglas calls me a mowing machine." Here, Mr. Bertram came forward to shake hands with Vaura. "I was beginning to think you would not cross to-day, Vaura," said Lady Esmondet. "Sir Tilton seemed unable to tear himself away."

With the face of Trevalyon seldom absent from her thoughts, Mrs. Haughton unconsciously chose much that would have been his own choice also. A page, in the hotel livery, tapping at the door of the sitting-room, en suite with the sleeping apartments engaged by Lady Esmondet, coming forward, hands a telegram. "This has just arrived, your ladyship; any answer, your ladyship?"

"But what am I to do, Lady Esmondet Captain Trevalyon," she said with a sweet sense of willingness about her; "I belong to M. de Vesey for the next dance?" "Go and rest," said Lady Esmondet; "and if your partner cannot find you it will be his loss."

Here a servant announced Sir Denis O'Gormon. "Ah, O'Gormon, glad to see you. Lady Esmondet, permit me to present to you Sir Dennis O'Gormon. Miss Vernon allow me to introduce Sir Dennis; Douglas, I believe you and O'Gormon have met before." Lady Esmondet and Miss Vernon shook hands with and welcomed their guest, Lady Esmondet saying graciously, "Any friend of Captain Trevalyon is always welcome."

"Shall we drink from the brook by the way?" half sang Vaura, and stooping, picked up from a small projection a silver goblet, filling she handed to Lady Esmondet; there was another which, taking herself, said, "and now for my toast, 'May the absent Marquis, who has an eye for the beautiful in Nature and Art be always surrounded by both."

"You are a treasure, Saunders," said her mistress; "I find you have dressed me so quickly I shall have time for a little reading; go tell Lady Esmondet I now await her pleasure to leave." "You are so easy to dress, miss; you see, Mademoiselle, your eyes and complexion don't want doing up; now when I was maid to the Misses Verlingham "

"You must both make your home with me, dears, else it will not be home," said the Colonel feverishly, as he leaned forward, taking a hand of each, and gazing eagerly first into one face, and then into the other. "We shall, for a while at least, Eric," said Lady Esmondet tenderly. "And what do you say, Vaura dear; you will not leave me and Haughton Hall again?"

I am very much inclined to think his heart will be heavy after to-night," said Lionel, thinking of his downcast look as he passed. "'Tis his own fault; little men are so aspiring, always on tip-toe," answered Lady Esmondet. "Yes, I suppose he has himself to blame, the bat cannot gaze at the sun, unless to his own detriment."