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I would give you many thanks not to fight him before the finishing touch has been given to that grand work." "To the deuce with your Zosimus," said M. d'Anquetil. "To the deuce with him! Do you hear, abbe! I'll send him to the deuce, as a king would do with his first mistress." And he sang: "Pour dresser un jeune courrier Et l'affermir sur l'etrier Il lui fallait une routiere Laire lan laire."

It was really remarkable on some of the longer marches how few men fell out considering that many had practically no soles to their boots. However, the pleasant billets at Laire amply repaid us for our other troubles, and we were all sorry when on the 13th April, 2nd Lieut. Brooke and the rest of us bade farewell to Marie and marched to Manqueville.

The Abbe Jerome Coignard, having come to the end of his discourse, emptied a big glass of wine, while Catherine sang: "Par l'epee ou par le fourreau Devenir due est toujours beau Il n'importe le maniere Laire lan laire." "Abbe," said M. d'Anquetil, "you do not drink, and in spite of such abstinence you lose your reason.

"What's that Zosimus?" "Zosimus, sir, Zosimus of Panopolis, was a learned Greek, who flourished at Alexandria in the third century of the Christian era, and wrote treatises on the spagyric art." "Do you fancy it matters to me? Why do you translate it? "Battons le fer quand il est chaud Dit-elle, en faisant sonner haut Le nom de sultan premiere Laire lan laire."

And my tutor continued: " I contribute to the treasure of knowledge gathered by erudite men, and bring forward one stone of my own for a monument to true history, which is a better one than the chronicles of war and treaties; for, sir, the nobility of man " Catherine continued to sing: "Je sais bien qu'on murmurera Que Paris nous chansonnera Mais tant pis pour le sot vulgaire Laire lan laire."

The title sped about; it was repeated, commented on. 'In the Open Air! ah, yes, the open air, the nude woman in the air, everything in the air, tra la la laire. The affair was becoming a scandal. The crowd still increased. People's faces grew red with congestion in the growing heat.

When you have laid a good Laire of Clouts in the dish, put upon it a little more fresh raw or boiled cream, and then fill it up with the rest of the Clouts. And when it is ready to serve in, you may strew a little Sugar upon it, if you will you may sprinkle in a little Sugar between every flake or clout of Cream.

Catherine interrupted him by singing in a high-pitched voice: "Je veux en depit des jaloux Qu'on fasse duc mon epoux Lasse de le voir secretairev Laire lan laire."