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The three charming heads bent toward one another as Rose replied in a whisper, "If I knew, I shouldn't be inquisitive. There was a rumor that she married the old general in a fit of pique, and now repents. I asked Mamma once, but she said such matters were not for young girls to hear, and not a word more would she say. N'importe, I have wits of my own, and I can satisfy myself.

A series of Genre Pictures contains such lusciousness of felicity as "At an Italian Festival," and there are a number of musical moments of engaging charm, for instance, "N'Importe Quoi," "From a Conservatory Program," "A Tropical Night," a fascinating "Valsette," a nameless valse, and "Another Scandal," which will prove a gilt-edged speculation for some tardy publisher.

Oh, if the paltry French administration at Paris had not removed the companies of soldiers who until recently had been the pride of Papeete! And crown of misfortune, the gun-boat, sole guardian of French honor in these seas, was in Australia for repairs. Eh bien, n'importe! Every Frenchman was a soldier. Did not Napoleon say that? Nom de pipe!"

"But the English police you will not find so arcadian." "Ah, so you have been to the police?" said the suave villain. "You have gone to Scotland Scotland Place Scotland n'importe. They are investigating the affair? I thank you for the friendly warning." "Warning!" I cried, choked with indignation. He held up a soft, fat palm. "Ah it is not a warning?

Then he led him on, and it was not until the cold air struck them that they noticed they had left their hats behind. "N'importe!" muttered Pomerantseff. "It would be dangerous to return"; and hurrying the Abbé into the carriage which awaited them, he bade the coachman speed them away "au grand galop!"

For Miss Lawton's sake, because she is in trouble, we are interested just now in Paddington's movements, and naturally my operative was not aware that it was to meet you he went to the park." "N'importe!" Fifine exclaimed. The color had receded from her face, and a deathly white pallor had superseded it.

Act IV. Even Don Gusman's heart was, in fact, unable to steel itself entirely against the prayers and tears of his father and his wife; and he consented to allow a brief respite to Zamore's execution. Alzire was not slow to seize this opportunity of doing her lover a good turn; for she immediately obtained his release by the ingenious stratagem of bribing the warder of the dungeon. Zamore was free. But alas! Alzire was not; was she not wedded to the wicked Gusman? Her lover's expostulations fell on unheeding ears. What mattered it that her marriage vow had been sworn before an alien God? 'J'ai promis; il suffit; il n'importe

A dernier ressort, vraiment! for my choice was that, or cooling my feet on the burning pavement au naturel; I who have such a terror of any one seeing my naked foot! And this is thanks to war and blockade! Not a decent shoe in the whole community! N'importe! "Better days are coming, we'll all" have shoes after a while perhaps!

Simultaneously with my arrival at the summit of dirtiness by the calendar, as I guess, December the twenty-first came the Black Holster into The Enormous Room and with an excited and angry mien proclaimed loudly: "L'americain! Allez chez le Directeur. De suite." I protested mildly that I was dirty. "N'importe.

It contained, under its glass frame, three works of Baudelaire copied on real vellum, with wonderful missal letters and splendid coloring: to the right and left, the sonnets bearing the titles of La Mort des Amants and L'Ennemi; in the center, the prose poem entitled, Anywhere Out of the World n'importe ou, hors du monde.