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Updated: August 25, 2024

"He's layin' to get a shot at our runner," declared Stover, while Mr. Cloudy, forgetting his Indian reserve, explained in classic English his own theory of the nocturnal visits. "Do you remember Humpy Joe? Well, they didn't cripple him, but he lost. I don't think Gallagher would injure Mr. Speed, but he might bribe him." "Caramba!" exclaimed the Mexican. "God 'lmighty!"

An' if you 'uz a-goin', de good God 'lmighty mus' er kep' you ontel I got hyuh!" "No; I wasn't going." Tom smiled upon her sadly. "I dare say there's a simpler explanation. Don't you suppose that if Nelson was right and Mr. Carewe really did come back, it was because he did not wish his daughter and Mrs. Tanberry to know that that he expected a party of friends, possibly, to join him there later?"

It was patent that here lay some subtle humor sufficient to convulse the Far Western nature beyond all reason; for Stover essayed repeatedly to check his laughter before gasping, finally: "Gosh 'lmighty! I never can get past that place. He! He! He! Whoo-hoo! That's sure ridic'lous, for fair." He wiped his eyes with the back of a sun- browned hand, and his frame was racked with barking coughs.

I've often thought hit didn't look jest fair fer God 'lmighty t' make sech a woman 'thout ary man t' match her. Makes me feel plumb 'shamed o' myself t' stand 'round in th' same county with her. Hit sure do, Ike." Greeting the girl the young man opened the gate for her to pass. "I've been a lookin' for you over," said Sammy, a teasing light in her eyes.

As the finely formed young woman and her inferior escort passed from sight, a tall mountaineer, from the other side of Compton Ridge, remarked, "I done heard Preachin' Bill say t'other day, that 'mighty nigh all this here gee-hawin', balkin', and kickin' 'mongst th' married folks comes 'cause th' teams ain't matched up right. Bill he 'lowed God 'lmighty 'd fixed hit somehow so th' birds an' varmints don't make no mistake, but left hit plumb easy for men an' women t' make durned fools o' theirselves."

"Well, I will be shot!" he muttered aloud. "I will I certainly will be shot!" And he began' to laugh. "Lord 'lmighty!" But presently, at the thought of the horseless-carriage widower's daughter, his grimness returned, and he resolved upon a line of conduct for the evening.

"God 'lmighty! don't be so sudden, Willie!" he cried. "It was a accident." But the gun man seemed unconvinced. With cat-like tread he stole cautiously to the door, and stared out into the sunlight; then, seeing nobody in sight, he replaced his weapon in its resting- place and sighed with relief. "I thought it was the marshal from Waco," he said. "He'll never git me alive."

"Just a little Gatlin' gun!" he cried jokingly. He pressed the button, and the light flashed squarely in the old woman's eyes. "God 'lmighty don't shoot!" she screamed. Jim doubled with laughter. "For the love o' Mike!" Nance leaned against the side table and wiped the perspiration from her brow. "Lord! I thought you'd kilt me!" she panted, still trembling. "Ah, don't be foolish!"

Young Matt turned over to face his friend; "I know it, Dad;" he growled defiantly; "but I just got to say somethin'; I ain't meanin' no disrespect to God 'lmighty, and I reckon He ought to know it; but " he broke forth again. Pete drew back in alarm. "Look your trouble in the face, lad," said the shepherd; "don't let it get you down like this." "Look it in the face!" roared the other.

"Yes I do. I wouldn't buy sight-unseen to please God 'lmighty, Cora Madison." He looked at her shrewdly, struck by a sudden thought. "Did Corliss ask you to try and get me in?" "He did not," she responded, icily. "Your refusal is final?" "Certainly!" He struck the pavement a smart rap with his walking-stick. "By George, I believe he did ask you!

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