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Life without wo'k, o' interest, o' fren's, o' ambition, o' love that ain't livin'! If you-all evah tried it, you'd know. I 'ain't been so chee'ful in yeahs as I've been sence I made up my mind to 'quit, as you-all call it." "You've got health, haven't you?" demanded Maxwell. "Yes." Maxwell brought his hand down on the desk with an air of finality. "Then you've got everything.

He was so overcome by the pathos of his own eloquence that he began to sob brokenly, clinging to the red-haired man. "We alwiz bin mates, ain't we?" he added, trying to shake hands with him. Fired by his example, Louis made a grab at Marcella. He had entirely forgotten his fright, his shame of a moment ago. "Thass ri', Marsh Marcella. Kith kith kisssh an' be fren's! Ah, oui, oui, n'est ce pas?

He was aroun' 'mong de woun'ed, an' seein' ter buryin' de dead, an' postin' an' arrangin' his men; deed, an' was all ober eberywhar. "By dis time de ebenin' was growin' dark, de woun'ed and been cared for, an' our ossifers an' de Linkum ossifers sat down to supper; an' dey talk an' larf as if dey was good fren's.

"Right Hon'ble Premier, Sec' State. Hon'ble Mr. Grandm'lin all my fren's. You know dose gen'lmen? All my fren's. Da's all. My fren's goin' make it all right, eh? I re'spect'ble 'nough." The half-seas-confidential style. Grandmoulin acknowledged the stranger but gravely, and was at once immutable oppressed with thought for the country's welfare!

Lafe let the Russian out and then returned to the room, rubbing his hands together with the thought of the big reward they would get for their help in the smuggling of the jewels across the border. As he returned, one of the men asked: "I say, Jean, what pay will we get for all this business?" "Ah, ma fren's, we will get big pay, trust Jean to see to that.

Your wishes shall be carried out. Den she says, 'I'se'll hab more supper pervided, an' we'll 'spect you wid your ossifers; for she wanted ter make fren's wid him, seein' we was all in his po'er. He says, 'No, madam, I'se take my supper wid my men. I could not be an unwelcome gues' in any house, What I asks for my ossifers, I asks as a favor; I doesn't deman' it. Den he bows an' goes away.

Dey don' onderstan'. But bimeby, dey get wise; dey learn to he'p de oder feller, dey learn dat a smile will carry a pack or row a boat. You remember dat. A smile and a song, she'll shorten de miles and mak' fren's wid everybody. Don' forget w'at I tell you." "Thank you, I won't," said Pierce, with a flicker of amusement at the man's brief sermon.

We're bosum fren's, ain't we, old dear?" said Blake, linking his arm in mine and dragging me away with him. Behind us, the policeman was shunting the spectators. Oh, it was excessively displeasing to any man of culture, I can assure you. How we got along Shaftesbury I don't know. It's a subject I do not care to think about.

En all you wuz thinkin' 'bout wuz how you could make a fool uv ole Jim wid a lie. Dat truck dah is TRASH; en trash is what people is dat puts dirt on de head er dey fren's en makes 'em ashamed." Then he got up slow and walked to the wigwam, and went in there without saying anything but that. But that was enough. It made me feel so mean I could almost kissed HIS foot to get him to take it back.

Dat's de fac' truf, Bre'er Nimbus, an' no lyin". Yah, yah!" "Sho, sho, Berry," replied Nimbus, reproachfully; "what makes Sally sech a big fool? She oughter be ashamed ter treat her ole fren's dat ar way." "Now yer talkin', Bre'er Nimbus, dat you is! But la sakes! Bre'er Nimbus, dat ar gal hain't got no pride. Why yer wouldn't b'lieve hit, but she ain't even 'shamed of Berry fac'! Yah, yah!