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Updated: August 26, 2024

An' I'd like to 'ear w'y my ship or 'er present trip wasn't fit for enny young leddy, let alone " "That is a matter for you to determine. I suppose you know best how to conduct your own business. My only concern is with the outcome of your rashness. Why did you deliberately sacrifice your ship in that manner?"

God bless yer, Mose, an' ef my blessin's no account, it can't cuss yer, ennyhow. This claim's washed out, fellers, an' here goes the last shovelful, to see ef ther's enny gold in it er not." And Billy departed this life, and the boys drank to the repose of his soul. He suited the natives exactly. What they would have done had he not been available, they shuddered to contemplate.

"'Pears-like it takes the whole fambly to do it." Such slothful mismanagement was calculated to affront an energetic spirit. Obviously, at this hour the woman should be at home cooking the supper. "I follered along ter listen ter the fiddle, ef ye hev enny call ter know." Mrs. Bedell replied to his unspoken thought, as if by divination.

Nobody in de roun' worl'. You des tuck en jam yo'se'f on dat Tar-Baby widout waitin' fer enny invite, sez Brer Fox, sezee, en dar you is, en dar you'll stay twel I fixes up a bresh-pile and fires her up, kaze I'm gwineter bobby-cue you dis day, sho, sez Brer Fox, sezee. "Den Brer Rabbit talk mighty 'umble.

A dead body's a nuisance, an' the sooner it's got rid of the better. But if it's goin' to make the livin' feel enny better for spielin' off some fine words, why, hop to it an' make up yore speech." Peggy Simms saved Rainey by producing a prayer-book, bringing it to Lund, her face pale but composed enough, and her shadowed eyes calm as she gave it to him.

Ashman, and he said if you ever do i will lick you. the babys name is Edward Ashton Shute and not Ashman. i woodent name him for enny cornet player. it is pretty tuff luck. if i cood have got that cornet i woodent have minded a licking. went in swiming today. July 31.

"Whilst I'm a-goin' on this hyar harnt's yerrand" The logical Si brought up with a shiver. "I went ter say whilst I'm a-goin' on this hyar yerrand fur the harnt" This was as bad. "Whilst," he qualified once more, "I'm a-goin' on this hyar yerrand 'bout'n the harnt, I mought ez well skeet off in them deep woods a piece ter see ef enny wild cherries air ripe on that tree by the spring.

Bending forward he tucked his original five-dollar note into the toe of the despised footgear. "I am not going home broke," he explained laboriously to Pete; "as I certainly shall if I dare go upstairs again to find my hat." "Yo's sholly sens'ble," Pete approved. "But they ain't no reason why yo' sho'd tek enny mo' chances ef yo' don't wantuh," he added, knotting the laces.

I did heah he oncet went ter sleep while he wuz in swimmin'. He wuz floatin' at de time, en' come mighty nigh gittin' drownded befo' he woke up. Ole Marse heared 'bout it en' ferbid his gwine in swimmin' enny mo', fer he said he couldn't 'ford ter lose 'im. "When Skundus wuz growed up he got ter lookin' roun' at de gals, en' one er de likeliest un 'em tuk his eye.

I have dwelt, perhaps tediously, upon this swap; my excuses are first, that, having made few such good bargains during the days of my vanity, the memory is a pleasant one; and, second, that the horse will necessarily play a certain part in these memoirs. "Well, we'll be pushin' an, Billy," said M'Nab; "the sun's gittin' low. An' you needn't tail me up enny fardher," he added, turning to Rufus.

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