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After dinner corned beef and cabbage trust Zach for that, though it's next door to cannibalism to put cabbage in HIS mouth after dinner all hands was on deck when Nat says: 'Hush! he says. 'Don't I hear somethin'? "They listened, and then they all heard it all 'cept Zach, who's deef in his larboard ear. "'Stand by! roars Nat. 'It's a squall, dead astern and comin' abilin'! I'll take her, 'Bije.

"You mustn't do that!" urged Miss Meakin. "Why not?" "You'll get yourself disliked if you do." "What are they here for, if not to sit on?" "They have to be there; but you won't be here long if you're seen using them, 'cept when the Government inspector is about." "It's cruel, unfair," began Mavis, but her friend merely shrugged her shoulders as she moved away to wait on a customer.

Yo'd nowt' to do wi' it, 'cept lookin' on 'bout what yo're fit for." "I tell yo'," David pursued stubbornly, "an it had not bin for me yo' wouldn't have no sister by noo. She'd be lyin', she would, pore little lass, cold as ice, pore mite, wi' no breath in her. An' when yo' dad coom home there'd be no Wee Anne to rin to him, and climb on his knee, and yammer to him, and beat his face.

Thar's been nothin' pertickler ag'in ye so fer, 'cept fer breakin' that confederatin' statute 'bout bandin' fightin' men together; 'n' nobody was very anxious to git hol' o' ye jes fer that, but now" the old man stopped a moment, for Rome's eyes were kindling "they say that ye killed Jas Lew allen, 'n' that ye air a murderer; 'n' hit air powerful strange how all of a suddint folks seem to be gittin' down on a man as kills his fellow-creetur; 'n' now they means to hunt ye til they ketch ye."

"You can speak like that you, my awn wife you, as ought to be heart an' soul with me in everything I do? An' the husband I am to 'e. Then I should reckon I be fairly alone in the world, an' no mistake 'cept for mother." Phoebe did not answer him. Her spark of anger was gone and she was passing quickly from temper to tears.

"Some folks don't have nothin' to do but mind other folks's business for 'em," he remarked, looking aloft as if speaking to the mast head. There was silence for a moment. We felt that the man in the blue shirt had somehow insulted all of us. "Not that I care what a Pennsylvania Dutchman that aint never been anywhere 'cept between here an' Philadelphy a-shovellin' coal says, anyhow," he added.

His father said, 'I you to keep all my Negroes together and Black Mammy I don't want you let her be whipped because she nursed all of you. She said she never was whipped 'cept once when she got a cockle berry up her nose and he got it out and gave her a little brushing not as much as grandma would have given her. "He kept them all in good shoes and warm clothes and give them plenty to eat.

"'Course I wouldn't like it half nor quarter so well, Nan, but this is what I've been thinkin'. You know there's a good many boys in these two houses that don't have no place to stay evenin's, 'cept the streets, an' I was thinkin' as I came home to-night, how fine 'twould be if there was a room where they could come an' read an' play games an' talk, kind of a boys' club room, don't ye know, like the one Mr.

'I never know'd a respectable coachman as wrote poetry, 'cept one, as made an affectin' copy o' werses the night afore he was hung for a highway robbery; and he wos only a Cambervell man, so even that's no rule. But Sam was not to be dissuaded from the poetical idea that had occurred to him, so he signed the letter 'Your love-sick Pickwick.

Y' see, she ain't much on the giggle, Geoff, but she's most always singing, 'cept when her kids is sick or Mulligan calls " "What do you mean?" "Oh, Hermy mothers all the kids around here when they're sick, an' lots o' kids is always getting sick. And when Mulligan comes it's rent day, an' sometimes Hermy's a bit shy on the money " "Is she?" said Mr. Ravenslee, frowning. "You bet she is, Geoff!