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Bumpus started and looked sternly on the crowd. "You may think me a pirate," said he, "but I know enough of the feelin's of honest men to expect no mercy from those wot can laugh at a fellow-creetur in such an hour. You had better get the murder over as soon as ye can. I am ready Stay! one moment more. I had a'most forgot it. There's a letter here that I want one o' you to take charge of.

Bumpus started and looked sternly on the crowd. "You may think me a pirate," said he; "but I know enough of the feelin's of honest men to expect no mercy from those wot can laugh at a fellow-creetur in such an hour. You had better get the murder over as soon as you can. I am ready Stay! one moment more. I had almost forgot it. There's a letter here that I want one o' you to take charge of.

But this morning I comes along this road here, looking for a sunny and soft spot to sleep in, and I sees this desolation and ruination. I've lived myself in desolation and ruination; I knows many a fellow-creetur that's forced to live life long in desolation and ruination; and I sits me down and takes pity on it, as I casts my eyes about.

"Quite so," stammered Bonar, rather shamefacedly, "and it's really very good of you to show me so much kindness." "Na, na, sir," said the old man warmly. "I should be wantin' in human feelin' if I wes to turn a dog oot sic a nicht still mair a fellow-creetur. Na, na, sir! Juist ye sit still, and Maggie Jean'll redd up the bed for ye beyont for y'r nicht's rest!"

In the morning, perhaps, you will remember something that it may be useful for me to know." "I've no occasion for gifts, nor is it exactly accordin' to the Granite rule to accept 'em," answered Ithuel, a little sharply. "Handsome conduct is handsome conduct; and I call the fellow-creetur' that would oppress and overcome another with a gift, little better than an English aristocrat.

'As a mortal equally with myself, whose hand I take in mine for the first time this day, having unaccountably overlooked that act so full of boundless confidence binding a fellow-creetur TO a fellow creetur, says Wegg, holding Mr Venus's palm out, flat and ready for smiting, and now smiting it; 'as such and no other for I scorn all lowlier ties betwixt myself and the man walking with his face erect that alone I call my Twin regarded and regarding in this trustful bond what do you think he might have hid?

Thar's been nothin' pertickler ag'in ye so fer, 'cept fer breakin' that confederatin' statute 'bout bandin' fightin' men together; 'n' nobody was very anxious to git hol' o' ye jes fer that, but now" the old man stopped a moment, for Rome's eyes were kindling "they say that ye killed Jas Lew allen, 'n' that ye air a murderer; 'n' hit air powerful strange how all of a suddint folks seem to be gittin' down on a man as kills his fellow-creetur; 'n' now they means to hunt ye til they ketch ye."