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Robbins had driven over to the Judge's to attend a community meeting, the latter being one of Cousin Roxy's innovations in Gilead. "Land alive," she had been wont to say. "Here we are all living on the same hills and valleys and never meeting 'cept on Sundays when we have to, or now and again when there happens to be a funeral.

She no longer had cause to say: "Always gaddin' downtown, or over to Cora's or somewhere, like you didn't have a home to stay in. You ain't been in a evening this week, 'cept when you washed your hair." Tessie had developed a fondness for sunsets viewed from the back porch she who had thought nothing of dancing until three and rising at half-past six to go to work.

"I like a big fire, too." "Ever camped out?" he asked. "Not what you'd call the real thing," replied Carley. "Wal, thet's too bad. Reckon it'll be tough fer you," he went on, kindly. "There was a gurl tenderfoot heah two years ago an' she had a hell of a time. They all joked her, 'cept me, an' played tricks on her. An' on her side she was always puttin' her foot in it. I was shore sorry fer her."

Mah hair stood up all right when dey kotched me," admitted Washington. "And didn't you feel a distinct electric shock all over your being?" "Just like as if you had run into an electric light pole?" interjected Hippy. "No, suh. Didn' feel no shock, 'cept when dat feller kicked me. Ah felt dat all right an' Ah feels it yit." "I reckon that will be about all.

Doos a'most anyting 'cept what's good." "Swate cratures," murmured Rooney; "I hope we'll be introdooced to aich other soon." As it is desirable that the reader should have a little more extended knowledge of the miscreants referred to, we will retrace our steps in time a little, and change the scene.

Well, it's somethin' like that, only bein' done by the knocking sperrits, it's grander and don't come 'cept when they hears the Welsh dukkerin gillie. Now, you must hide yourself somewheres while I go and touch the crwth in her favourite place. I think she'll come to that.

For there are few things more uncomfortable in any community, large or small, than the absence of discipline, or the presence of a weak will in a position of power. "But I say, Will," remarked Darvall, who pulled the stroke-oar, "you really do look ill. Is anything the matter with 'ee?" "Nothin', Dick; 'cept that I'm tired," answered the cabin-boy.

One time not long ergo I foun' o' er mawnin' dat I wuz monst'us tired, an' den I come ter fin' out dat I been er gittin' up an' er workin' in my sleep. Yas'm." He looked at Jasper, expecting something, and it came: "Was that the time they found the ham under yo' bed?" "Mr. Starbuck, whut you all de time come er talkin' datter way fur? Ain't dar nuthin' in dis life ter talk erbout 'cept politics?

"George helped to make what you've got," he said, darkly, now. "The West missed George. The West said, 'There was a good man ruined by a woman. The West'd never think anything or anybody missed you, 'cept yourself. When you went North, it never missed you; when you come back, its jaw fell. You wasn't fit to black George's boots."

"Here we am, sah," he whispered, glancing about fearful, "an' de good Lord knows I 'se glad tain't no furder. You just han' me a dollar, sah, an' den I 'se goin' fur to git out o' dis." "Is that the house in there?" "Suah, you ought for to know dat. Tain't changed none, 'cept run down a bit, far as I know. Here am your grips, sah."