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M. Renan, with his saintly ironical sympathy for the young and weak, knew it when he excused the symbolists and decadents of various kinds with that indulgent sentence, "Ce sont des enfants qui s'amusent."

"She marked in a French translation of "The Imitation of Christ" which Lucy gave her: "'Certes au jour du jugement on ne nous demandera point ce que nous avons lu, mais ce que nous avons fait; ni si nous avons bien parle mais si nous avons bien vecu. "She was the least self-centred and self-scanned of human beings, unworldly and uncomplaining.

"But she has ugly legs." "They are not seen, sir; besides, whenever I examine the beauty of a woman, 'la premiere chose que j'ecarte, ce sont les jambes'." That word said quite by chance, and the double meaning of which I did not understand, made at once an important personage of me, and everybody in the box of Madame de Pompadour was curious to know me.

I see... And that is said to me by a girl who has known nothing but kindness from me, whom I have brought up in my own house, that is said to me... said to me " "By the daughter of a disgraced father," Mariana put in, sternly. "Go on, don't be on ceremonies!" "Ce n'est pas moi qui vous le fait dire, mademoiselle! In any case, that is nothing to be proud of! A girl who lives at my expense "

As to poor M. le Blanc, I find him dancing and shrieking with fury in the midst of a circle of snorting, giggling boys; and when he points out ce petit monstre, Jock coolly owns to having translated 'Croquons les, let us croquet them; or 'Je suis blesse, I am blest." "So the infusion of brains produces too much effervescence."

I have much I will show j'ai des choses extraordinaires! Tenez! Look!" He untied the mouth of the bag. Domini looked into it, expecting to see something precious jewels perhaps. She saw only a quantity of sand, laughed, and moved to go on. She thought the Arab was an impudent fellow trying to make fun of her. "No, no, Madame! Do not laugh! Ce sable est du desert. Il y a des histoires la-dedans.

'How could you! I said severely, for I was still trembling with agitation. 'Ce n'est rien, madame. I cross l'Arche when I had five year. Mais, Monsieur Rodenai le Grand, he raise his eye to look this time, I think, said Jeannette, laughing triumphantly. 'Where is he?

I am glad she is like to be so near us again. Thence to Martin, and there did 'tout ce que je voudrais avec' her, and drank, and away by water home and to dinner, Balty and his wife there. After dinner I took him down with me to Deptford, and there by the Bezan loaded above half my goods and sent them away. 13th.

'Mais, exclaimed a French savant, on his first view of them, 'Mais ce sont des Parisiennes. These fine Court ladies were seated, or perhaps rather squatted, according to the curious Minoan custom, in groups, conversing in the courts and gardens, and on the balconies of a splendid building.

Nous fûmes obligés de l'attendre onze jours dans Adrinople. Enfin il arriva le premier de carême. Le grand calife (le muphti), qui est chez eux ce qu'est le pape chez nous, alla au-devant de lui avec tous les notables de la ville: ce qui formoit une troupe très-nombreuse. Il en étoit déja assez près lorsqu'ils le rencontrèrent, et néanmoins il s'arrêta pour boire et manger, envoya en avant une partie de ces gens, et n'y entra qu'