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«Pour donner une idée exacte de ce pays singulier, j'ai cru devoir transporter le spectateur

He recognizes in Count Baudouin his liege lord, leaves his ship and decides to remain with the crusaders. "Moult estait riche de ce mauvais gaeng." The whilom pirate contributes his ill-gotten gains to the crusade.

In this picture, obviously, he was creating, and only in a secondary sense illustrating. For him the landscape was the thing. Indeed, the five little figures may have been inserted by him as an afterthought, to point and balance the composition. Vaguely he remembered hearing of Macbeth, or reading it in some translation. Ce Sac-espe're...un beau talent...ne' romantique.

Ce qu'il y a de remarquable c'est qu'on retrouve les memes mots dans les endroits les plus eloignes, des mots Anglais et Francais qui ont leur origine dans le Sanskrit; et de meme pour d'autres idiomes.

But the second French delegate, after brooding a while, said suddenly, "Ce télégramme-l

A table un jour, jour de grande richesse, De mes amis les voix brillaient en choeur, Quand jusqu'ici monte un cri d'allegresse: A Marengo Bonaparte est vainqueur. Le canon gronde; un autre chant commence; Nous celebrons tant de faits eclatans. Les rois jamais n'envahiront la France. Dans un grenier qu'on est bien a vingt ans! Quittons ce toit ou ma raison s'enivre.

Everard was assured by M. de Croisnel that every attention and affectionate care were being rendered to his gallant and adored nephew 'vrai type de tout ce qu'il y a de noble et de chevaleresque dans la vieille Angleterre' from a family bound to him by the tenderest obligations, personal and national; one as dear to every member of it as the brother, the son, they welcomed with thankful hearts to the Divine interposition restoring him to them.

I make experiments. You make experiments and sometimes leetle mistakes. Comme nous autres. 'Ze operation was a grand succes but ze patient die. I know. Some of mine die too." "Prince Frederick, for instance?" She lifted the long chain of pearls about her neck and considered them dispassionately. "That canard! You think 'e give me these? Ce pauvre Fredi!

L'Empereur seul contemplait froidement cette scene de deuil et de sang. Je poussai mon cheval quelques pas devant le sien; j'etois eurieux de l'observer dans un pareil moment. Vous eussiez dit qu'il etoit alors detachè de toutes les affections humaines, que tout ce qui l'environnait n'existoit pour lui. Il parloit tranquillement des evenemens de la veille.

That would be extremely difficult. I built my hopes on the little slip of paper on the words "Ce soir viendrai." Surely upon this night Aurore would not sleep. My heart told me she would not, and the thought rendered me proud and sanguine. That very night should I make the attempt to carry her off. I could not bear the thought that she should pass even a single night under the roof of her tyrant.