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His menace is, "Maman, je veux etre bien mechant ce soir, je vous le promets." The Duke was in the best humour the whole day I ever saw him, who you know has been at times as gate as the other. He said that my dinner was perfect, and so it was dans son genre.

"What we are doing? hum!" and now he hesitated, not from any doubt as to what he was doing, but because he was hunting for a single word that should convey the matter. "Ce que nous faisons, mon gars? Mais dam NOUS TRANSVASONS." "You decant? that should mean you pour from one vessel to another." "Precisely."

When at last the tragic farce was over, the foregone conclusion arrived at and the sentence of fine and imprisonment pronounced, I found Zola alone at home in a state of profound dejection. "I don't pity myself," he said. "I am not to be pitied but this poor France, ce pauvre France." He returned to the words again and again.

Dizzy écouta avec attention, mit son monocle, considéra Lord Odo, et dit enfin: "11 y a un argument sérieux dans ce que vous me dites l

«Ces terrains sont couverts par un si grand nombre de courans, qu'il n'en est aucun ou l'on n'en aperçoive, soit dans des ravins, soit entre des montagnes. J'ai observé que la superficie des terrains qui en avoisine les lits, est plus unie aux confluens, plusieurs de ces courans se réunissent. Cela vient de ce que l'éminence, qui se trouve au confluent, paroît avoir été diminuée

LA PERSONNALITE, said one of the greatest of modem French critics, VOILE CE QUI NOUS SAUVERA. But above all things was it a return to Nature that formula which seems to suit so many and such diverse movements: they would draw and paint nothing but what they saw, they would try and imagine things as they really happened.

And yet there was no regret and surely no remorse in her farewell of them. "Ma Vieille she make a list of all. They will be sold for ze children of Paris ze gamins as I was for a good time." She held out her hand: "C'est joli, n'est ce pas?" He looked unwillingly. It was a black opal, and as she moved it it seemed to come to life, and a distant resentful fire gleamed out of its sullen depths.

La Grange fit, en effet, un mariage a demi secret. Ce ne fut point a sa paroisse que fut benie son union avec M. de Frontenac, mais dans une des petites eglises de la Cite qui avaient le privilege de recevoir les amants qui s'unissaient malgre leurs parents, et ceux qui regularisaient leur position et s'epousaient un peu avant quelquefois apres la naissance d'un enfant. Ce fut a, St.

Having left the pit, we went in the direction of Loubressac, to which village my companion belonged. While still upon the causse a spot was reached where a small iron cross had been raised. The stone pedestal bore this inscription: 'SOUVENIR DE HÉLÈNE BONBÈGRE, MORTE MARTYRE EN CE LIEU EN 1844.

Après avoir parlé du passage par mer et du passage composé de terre et de mer, Brochard examine celui qui auroit lieu entièrement par terre. Ce dernier traverse l'Allemagne, la Hongrie et la Bulgarie. Ce fut celui qu'