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Ces grands cannons ou, comme en des entraves, On met tous les matins ses deux jambes esclaves. Ecole des Maris, i, I. cf. Pepys, 24 May, 1660: 'Up, and made myself as fine as I could, with the linen stockings on and wide canons that I bought the other day at Hague. p. 403 The Count of Gabalis.

"Y'etant arrive, il presenta ses offrandes et prononca la benediction; le bouton s'ouvrit alors des quatre cotes, et au milieu apparut l'apotre de l'empire de neige, ne comme 'Khoubilkhan. Il y etait assis, les jambes croisees, avait mi visage et quatre mains; les deux mains anterieures etaient jointes devant le coeur, la troisieme de droite tenait un rosaire de cristal, et la quatrieme a gauche une fleur de Lotus blanche, qui penchait vers l'oreille.

Chapter ii. 21. Vous ne hocherez la teste, vous ne remuerez point les jambes, ny ne roüillerez les yeux, ne froncerez point les sourcils, ou tordrez la bouche. Vous vous garderez de laisser aller auec vos paroles de la saliue, ou du crachat aux visages de ceux, auec qui vous conversez. Pour obvier

Paris has done its utmost to grace their persons, and the length of their robes did the part of Providence in bestowing height upon them, parceque, vous savez, Monsieur, c'est extraordinaire comme ils ont les jambes courtes, ces Anglaises! Our aristocracy, however, was not so bad in that respect as our bourgeoisie; yet it was easy to perceive that our female aristocracy, though they could ride, had never been drilled to walk: 'de belles femmes, oui; seulement, tenez, je n'admire ni les yeux de vache, ni de souris, ni mime ceux de verre comme ornement feminin.

A Negro waiter set before me a superb fish covered with a pimento sauce as red as tomatoes. I have explained that I was ravenously hungry. The dish was exquisite. The sauce immediately made me thirsty. "White Ahaggar, 1879," the Herman of Jitomir breathed in my ear as he filled my goblet with a clear topaz liquid. "I developed it myself: rien pour la tête, tout pour les jambes."

"Regardez donc ses epaules," said one. "Ah, mon Dieu! Il me fait l'idee d'une grenouille aves ses jambes jaunes," cried another. "Il vaut son pesant de fromage pour une Vaudeville," said the director of the strolling theatre of the place. "I'll give seventy francs a week, 'd'appointment, and 'Scribe' shall write a piece express for himself, if he'll take it."

"The neck is long, but of great power; and in the Basset a jambes torses the flews extend very nearly down to the chest. The chest is more expansive than even in the Bulldog, and should in the Bassets a jambes torses be not more than two inches from the ground. In the case of the Bassets a jambes demi-torses and jambes droites, being generally lighter, their chests do not, of course, come so low.

I can see his straining efforts now, his eyes like the eyes of a spirit; I can hear his daily words: "Il me semble que j'ai un peu plus de force dans mes jambes ce matin, Monsieur!" though, I fear, he never had. Men of such indomitable initiative, though not rare, are but a fraction. The great majority have rather the happy-go-lucky soul.

Paris has done its utmost to grace their persons, and the length of their robes did the part of Providence in bestowing height upon them, parceque, vous savez, Monsieur, c'est extraordinaire comme ils ont les jambes courtes, ces Anglaises! Our aristocracy, however, was not so bad in that respect as our bourgeoisie; yet it was easy to perceive that our female aristocracy, though they could ride, had never been drilled to walk: 'de belles femmes, oui; seulement, tenez, je n'admire ni les yeux de vache, ni de souris, ni mime ceux de verre comme ornement feminin.

"'Papa, les p'tits bateaux Qui vont sur I'eau, Ont-ils des jambes? Mais oui, petit beta, S'ils n'en avaient pas, ils n' march'raient pas! "In short, M. Benest, with his loose blue coat and three-cornered naval cap, endeared himself to the children, and through the children to everyone.