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Updated: August 11, 2024

He was a-stayin' at Tom's house, the furriner was, a-dickerin' fer a piece o' lan' the same piece, mebbe, that you're atter now an' Tom keeps him thar fer a week to beat him out'n a dollar, an' then won't let him pay nary a cent fer his boa'd. Now, stranger, that's Tom.

"But, gentlemen, they have done mo'." The colonel's feet now barely touched the floor. "They have enabled me to provide for one of the loveliest of her sex, she who graces our boa'd, and to enrich her declinin' days not only with all the comforts, but with many of the luxuries she was bawn to enjoy.

A white-haired, broadly smiling old negro, stooped and a bit lame with rheumatism, but otherwise spry, came from the rear premises of the old Corner House, and stopped to roll his eyes, first glancing at the children and then at the goat. "Whuffor all disher combobberation? Missee Ruth! Sho' ain' gwine tuh take dat ole goat tuh boa'd, is yo'?"

No Two Ways About It A colored preacher who had only a small share of this world's goods, and whose salary was not forthcoming on several occasions, became exasperated. At his morning service he spoke to his church members thusly: "Bredern and sistern, things is not as should be. You 'must not 'spects I can preach on u'th an' boa'd in Heben." The Maid Knew a Thing or Two

On Chris'mus day we goin' to have a sermont at de chu'ch an' a festabal in de evenin' wid a Chris'mus tree. Sis' Marthy, I want you to boa'd de minister." "La, Brothah Todbu'y, I don't scarcely feel lak I's 'portant 'nough fu' dat," said Mrs. Mixon modestly, "but I'll do de bes' I kin. I hatter be lak de widder's mice in de scuse o' meal."

"You boy," he roared in a voice that easily carried to where the others stood and grinned at my discomfiture, "you boy, what foh you come promulgatin' in on me with 'gimme dis' and 'gimme dat' like Ah wahn't ol' enough to be yo' pa? Ain't you got no manners nohow? You vex me, yass, sah, you vex me. If we gotta have a boy on boa'd ship, why don' dey keep him out of de galley?"

"Dey's all well," replied Sampson, flicking at a horsefly on the sorrel's back, "an' Jim, he's well en buried. Marse Tom sot up er boa'd des' like you tell 'im." A little later they turned into the cedar avenue, and Eugenia could see the large white pillars of the porch. "There they are!" she cried excitedly, and before the carriage stopped she was up the narrow walk and in the general's arms.

Why, I thought eve'ybody in the State of Arkansas knowed how Sonny walked over the boa'd o' school directors, an' took a diplomy in the face of Providence, at the last anniversary. I don't know thet I ought to say that either, for they never was a thing done mo' friendly an' amiable on earth, on his part, than the takin' of this dockiment.

"Splendid!" breathed Sanchia, glowing and alight. Chevenix gloried in her beauty. "If Nevile don't know what his chances are if he ain't on his knees my heavens, what a mate for a chap!" A shadow falling upon him caused him to look up. Mrs. Devereux, grey and tall, boa'd, gloved, umbrella'd, stood regarding him and his companion from the bank.

"Boa'd and clo's an' whatever dey min' to give." "What do you do?" "Bring wood, wash dishes, and whatever dey wants me to." "How would you like to come up here for a while?" He had his eye on my target-rifle as he replied, "Yassah, I'd like it what sort o' gun yo' got?" I explained my firearm to him and let him handle it. His willingness to come grew. "Are you a pretty good boy, Lazarus?"

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