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"Dat was my name!" she exclaimed aloud, and listened more intently than ever. "Maybe 'twas jes' one o' them gull-birds a-callin'," she decided as no further sound came to her ears. Now she went on more carefully, but she, too, came to the shore; but it was on the inner curve of the land, a little cove where an old shanty stood near the water, and a boat was drawn up near by.

'Give her up give her up Norma says so easy like, when every word chokes me " and struggling against her sobs, Mary fell on her knees beside the crib, burying her face in the covers, "an' I must go on sittin' here day after day sewin', an' my precious one gone; stitchin' an' stitchin', one day jus' like another stretchin' on ahead, long as life itself, an' no little feet a-patterin' up the stairs, an' no little voice a-callin' on me, nothin' to live for, nothin' to keep me from thinkin' an' thinkin' till I'm nigh to goin' crazy with the stitchin' give her up?" a wild look was on Mary's face as she raised it suddenly, a desperate one in her eyes "I'll not give her up she's mine "

But duty wuz a-callin' us, and the other wimmen also, and it wuzn't for me, nor Sister Sylvester Bobbet to wave her nor them off, or shirk out of hazerdous and dangerous jobs when the good of the Methodist Meetin' House wuz at the Bay. We advanced and boldly mounted up onto our two barells, Miss Gowdy and Sister Sypher a-holdin' two chairs stiddy for us to mount up on.

"And the old well-sweep a-pintin' up into the sky overhead, as if a-callin' Heaven to witness that it wuzn't to blame for the state of things "And the apple trees, with low swingin' branches, with no bare brown feet to press on 'em on the way up to the robin's nest overhead empty barns, ruins, weedy gardens, long, lonesome stretches of paster and medder lands

I'm tellin'. It's John Pendleton!" "Sho, now! You're jokin', girl." "Not much I am an' me a-lettin' him in myself crutches an' all! An' the team he come in a-waitin' this minute at the door for him, jest as if he wa'n't the cranky old crosspatch he is, what never talks ter no one! jest think, Mr. Tom HIM a-callin' on HER!" "Well, why not?" demanded the old man, a little aggressively.

And, as Teola knelt over the child in the flickering candlelight, Tess shivered superstitiously. The young mother was so white that the squatter could almost have imagined her one of Ma Moll's ghosts. "They be a-callin' ye from yer house," remarked Tess, after a long stillness. "Yes, I hear them.... It is my father. But I am so tired that it seems as if I could never climb the hill.

Did ye iver hear tell av a sailorman a-callin' a line a 'rope' or a bloomin' hooker like this a 'boat'? No, sir, ye can lay to it he's niver had a ship before; an' so says Jim Potts, the same as passed th' line fer ye this mornin'. Kin I pass ye the junk? It's sort o' snifty fer new slush, but I don't complain." "What's the matter with the meat?" I asked, glad to change the conversation.

If I ''ear the East a-callin'' and daren't answer, it's my own fault for ever being fool enough to have heard it. Well...." He proceeded to take charge of the situation with his masterful habit. "The morning train leaves Nokomis at seven-thirty. You can make that, if you must. But you need sleep rest." "I'll get that on the train." "'Knew you'd say that. Very well. This is Tuesday.

You ain't got your heart in it, singin' all over the house, like like one o' them brazen cirkis gals. No, nor wot with scallawags a-comin' around sparkin' you, an' the boys shootin' theirselves dead over you, an' folks in the camp a-callin' of you a Jony gal, I don't guess I'll need to stay an' receive con contamination, as you might say.

And then, besides these main piers, with their large, beautiful groups, there wuz fifty-two smaller piers, each one havin' a handsome statute, representin' winged Geniis, sometimes a-holdin' tablets in their hands, and anon horns of plenty, and abundance. Most of this beautiful sculpture wuz designed by a man named Martiney, French born, but I guess a-callin' himself an American now.