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I'm sorry I ain't able to remain, for it's interestin'. I don't know's I've ever heard anything that was jest as excitin' an' thrillin', but I've got something more important needin' my attention this evenin' meanin' that I ain't got nothin' in particular that's a-callin' me! But it's no more'n my plain duty for me to tell you this: You'd ought to follow the papers a mite closer from now on.

"I 'member hearin' Cap'n Am'zon tell 'bout a dry spell like this," began Cap'n Abe, leaning his hairy fists upon the counter. "Twas when he was ashore once at Teneriffe " "Don't I hear Mandy a-callin' me?" Milt Baker suddenly demanded, making for the door. "I gotter git over home myself," said Cap'n Joab apologetically. "Me, too," said Washy, rising. "'Tis chore time."

I 'spected every minute to feel his teeth and hear my bones a-crunchin', but I didn't. "Putty soon I heered somebody down in the woods a-callin'. I 'spectcd it was dad, but I didn't dare to holler or make any noise. I heered 'em callin' agin and agin; putty soon I jist looked out'er ther corner of my eye, and see the bar was gone.

It was almost unnecessary to ask, for she knew already what had happened, knew that the boy had flung his dice and lost. "It's your son, Mrs. Wade; it's him I'm a-callin' about. We're about to bring him home to you an' and I thought it'd be better to call you up first so's you might expect us an' not take on with the suddenness of it all.

As soon as we'd made 'im comfortable, he sez to me, 'Wot I told yer's comin' to-night, Polly. They've been a-callin' on me all day. I see 'em and 'ear 'em, too. Loud as loud. Plain as plain. 'Who's been callin' yer? I sez. 'The messengers o' death, he sez; 'and they're in this room, four on 'em, now. I can 'ear 'em movin' and talkin' to one another. 'Oh, I sez, 'it's all fancy.