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Uncle William's eye rested on him mildly. "Ye can't figger it that way, Andy. I've tried it. A shark's bigger'n a halibut, but he ain't wuth much 'cept for manure." "Chowder!" The call rang down from the little house, clear and full. Both men looked up. "He's a-callin' ye," said Andrew. There was mingled scorn and respect in the tone. "You come on up to supper, Andy.

"George Birt," promptly replied the little boy. "What air ye doin' down thar? I thought it war Satan a-callin' of me. I never seen nobody." "I kem down hyar on vines arter a tur-r-key I shot. The vines bruk, an' I hev got no way ter git up agin. I want ye ter go ter yer mother's house, an' tell yer brother Pete ter bring a rope hyar fur me ter climb up by."

She fell back upon the pillow, exhausted by her own cruel merriment. 'She always said she'd die a-larfin', an' she will, too more nor I shall ever do, said the girl, after we had gone downstairs. 'Did you notice what she said about Winnie a-callin' her Knocker? said Sinfi. 'Yes, and couldn't understand it. 'I know what it meant.

"You would a-believed me if you'd seen the fellow that was just a-callin' on her, and her a-huggin' and a-kissin' of him and a-promisin' that she'd be a-waitin' for him here when he come back." "You lie!" cried Douglas, taking a step toward the retreating deacon. "There's the fellow now," cried Strong, as he pointed to the gate. "Suppose you ask him afore yer call me a liar."

"Why, names don't count between us, chiquita," said he, with his great-hearted smile. "I'm just a man, I am, an' you're just a woman; and rightly I don't know no name for the thing that's been a-callin' between us ever since I seen you in the woods. But I kin see it in your face, Peachey, an' you kin see it in mine; it's a-lookin' at me through them eyes o' yourn "

I've been talkin' about it to Brother Garnet you passed him just now, didn't you? and as he says, her husband goes off, a walkin' ruin, to be gone three months, stays twelve, and arrives back totally unexpected on this mawnin's six-o'clock train, a-callin' himself cu'ud! Brother Coffin, you don't believe that, do you?

One Saturday arternoon old Sal Gunn wur in the church a-cleanin' The Hall brasses, an' jist afore sundown, as she wur a-comin' away, she 'eeared a awful scrimmage an squealin' in the crypt, and she 'eeared the v'ice o' the Squoire a-callin' out, and she 'eeared Tom Wynne's v'ice a-cussin' an' a-swearin' at 'im.

"I want my little boy," said Jim. "Wal, you git out of my house," commanded Miss Doc. "If John was up you'd never dare to stay here another minute. You clear out! A-callin' me a thief!" Jim's hope collapsed in his bosom. The taking of the child he could gladly have forgiven. Any excuse would have satisfied his anger anything was bearable, save to know that he had come on a false belief.

You must 'a done it so no lies; for that wur the on'y thing as ever skeared 'er, arstin' 'er about 'er father, pore dear....Why, man alive! what are you a-gurnin' at? an' what are you a-smackin' your forred wi' your 'and like that for, an' a-gurnin' in my face like a Chessy cat? Blow'd if I don't b'lieve you're drunk. An' who the dickens are you a-callin' a fool, Mr. Imperance?

It was just like when I'm listenin' to the bird all sorts o' things comes tumblin' back. Same with them words o' yours. It seemed as though somebody as I knowed were a-callin' of me. I must ha' travelled millions o' miles, same as when you lets your line out to the stars.