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Updated: July 31, 2024

"She's goin' to be my Sunday-School teacher, too," said Billy serenely. "Yours nothing; you all time want my Sunday-School teacher." "Jimmee!" called a voice from the interior of the house in the next yard. "Somebody's a-callin' you," said Billy. "That ain't nobody but mama," explained Jimmy composedly. "Jimmee-ee!" called the voice.

"Listen at your nurse already?" said one of the older lads mockingly; "she's a-callin' you. Run along home, boy!" "Aw, no!" pleaded a youngster, not yet master of the art of irony. "Don't you mind her, Dan! The coast is just gettin' like glass, and you're the onliest one to steer the bob. You stay!"

"Then let him stop a-callin' me 'Skinny," was the last outbreak of the injured lean one, and his antagonist confessed "I won't say nothin' to you no more if you stop grinning 'Flathead' at me."

She keeps a-callin' for somebody, an' beggin' an' prayin' us not to let her die without somethin', in a way that would melt the heart of a rock. It makes me grow hot an' then cold all in a minute, jest a-listenin' to her. To-day she war plum out of her head, an' war goin' to get right up an' go off through the woods after it herself.

I wished I could ha' seen him to 've asked him if he didn't b'leeve in luck now! Me 'n' him was talkin' about luck that very mornin' while she was a-steppin' down the landin' towards him's fast 's ever she could go! My eyes! how that woman did come a runnin', an' a-callin', 'Guide! guide! I sha'n't never forgit it.

Pickwick most innocently shouted from the opposite bank 'Sam! 'Sir? 'Here. I want you. 'Let go, Sir, said Sam. 'Don't you hear the governor a-callin'? Let go, sir. With a violent effort, Mr. Weller disengaged himself from the grasp of the agonised Pickwickian, and, in so doing, administered a considerable impetus to the unhappy Mr. Winkle.

But, as fate would have it, she had scarcely reached the porch of the Old Doctor's house when Nicky-Nan himself emerged from it: and at the sight of him her fatal curiosity triumphed. "Mr Nanjivell!" she called. Nicky-Nan turned about. "Good mornin', Miss. Was that you a-callin'?" Having yielded to her impulse, Miss Oliver suddenly found herself at a loss how to proceed.

Delia, she was shy about not havin' much education Mis' Proudfit hed wanted to send her off to school, an' Mis' Crapwell wouldn't hear to it an' Abel kep' talkin' that he was goin' to hev a big church in the City some day, an' I guess that scairt Delia some, an' Jennie kep' frettin' an' houndin' her, one way an' another, an' a-callin' her 'parson's wife' ain't it awful the power them pin-pricky things has if we let 'em?

They'll be no blessin' on it, now you mark." "Aunt Libby say whether she wanted stoned raisins?" asked Brother Littell, who was copying off the list on the order book. "I disremember, but you better send up the reg'lar raisins. Gittin' too many newfangled contraptions these days. They're a-callin' it a theayter right now, the Babtists is. What you astin' fer your eatin' apples? Whew!

"Troubles never come single, they come in bunches," grumbled Potter as he complied. "Two hosses go lame this mornin', en Jim Finch, the grazing commissioner, comes from up on the Mad Trapper Fork a-callin' on us fer help to round up some of old Hull Barrow's misfits of horns, hoofs, and hides, en to add further miseries, here you arrive on the scene.

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