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A request from the lips of a king is a command; all exerted themselves therefore to keep up a gay and animated conversation, and to seem thoughtless and unoccupied. Frederick seated himself at the table, and read once more the poem of Voltaire, which was as follows: "Souvent un pen de verite Se mele au plus grossier mensonge.

A la vérité, son Français se ressent du sol. Il a beaucoup d'anglicismes et de locutions vicieuses; et la raison n'en est pas difficile

Ce n'est pas la victoire, c'est le combat qui fait le bonheur des nobles coeurs. Montalembert. Si le Tout-puissant tenait dans une main la vérité, et dans l'autre la recherche de la vérité, c'est la recherche que je lui demanderais. Lessing. Dryden, of Shakspeare. Miss Ferrier. Mrs. Napoleon's remark on Rollin's History. 1 Cor. x. 31. 1 Pet. iii. 1.

This champion of the poor, the widows and the orphans, is looked upon as the grand justiciary and avenger of wrong. Those who have been badly used have only to repair to the solemn little chapel of Saint Yves de la Vérité, and to repeat the words: "Thou wert just in thy lifetime, prove that thou art so still," to ensure that their oppressor will die within the year.

Among the bric-a-brac of my heart I still cherish some of those little slips of paper with which we made international love question and answer. "Vous allez m'oublier, et ne plus penser a moi ni me voir. Les hommes egoistes menteurs, pas dire la verite..." so ran the questions, considerably devoid of auxiliary verbs and such details of construction.

And when the old tirades had grown stale, English writers drew copiously from a new source from La Vérité sur la Russie pleasingly indifferent to the fact that the author's praise in a previous work had notoriously been a thing of bargain and sale, and that there was in full process of development a train of facts which led the Parisian courts to find him guilty of demanding in one case a blackmail of fifty thousand rubles.

We hear now, for the first time, that Prussia has "denounced" the Luxemburg Treaty of '67, and forgetting that the guarantee of neutrality with respect to these lotus-eaters was collective, and not joint and several, we anxiously ask whether England will not regard this as a casus belli. "As soon as Parliament assembles," says La Vérité, "that great statesman Disraeli will turn out Mr.

«Il n'est même pas nécessaire, pour se convaincre de la vérité da ces faits, de gravir sur le Cramont. Il suffit de jeter les yeux sur la premiere carte que l'on trouvera sous la main, des Pyrénées, de l'Apennin, des Alpes, ou de quelqu'autre chaîne de montagnes que ce puisse être. On y verra toutes les vallées indiquées par le cours des rivieres; on verra ces rivieres et les vallées dans lesquelles elles coulent, aboutir par une de leurs extrémités au sommet de quelque montagne ou de quelque col élevé. Les replis tortueux d'un grand fleuve, indiqueront une vallée principale, dans laquelle des torrens ou des rivieres qui indiquent d'autres vallées moins considérables, viennent aboutir, sous des angles plus ou moins approchans de l'angle droit. Or ces rivieres qui viennent de droite et de gauche se jeter dans la vallée principale, ne s'accordent pas pour se jeter par paires dans le même point du fleuve; elles sont comme les branches d'un arbre qui s'implantent alternativement sur son tronc, et par conséquent, chaque petite vallée se jette dans la vallée principale vis-

There may even be a greater accumulation of spite in it than in L'HOMME DE LA NATURE ET DE LA VERITE. The base and nasty desire to vent that spite on its assailant rankles perhaps even more nastily in it than in L'HOMME DE LA NATURE ET DE LA VERITE. For through his innate stupidity the latter looks upon his revenge as justice pure and simple; while in consequence of his acute consciousness the mouse does not believe in the justice of it.

The second is, "Why should a man who loves his country uncover her nakedness?" Gogol's realism differs in two important aspects from the realism of the French school, whether represented by Balzac, Flaubert, Guy de Maupassant, or Zola. He had all the French love of veracity, and could have honestly said with the author of "Une Vie" that he painted 'humble verite.