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Updated: January 11, 2025
Who is it that has come quite humble like for shelter under our roof this night?" In her eagerness to extract an answer she pinched the arm she held a little. "It's not a riddle you're asking me?" said John, withdrawing himself a pace. "No, no, man! it's the young squire himself, for sure. Paul Lessing is on his portmanter," she said looking round, for fear she should be overheard by a neighbour.
There are few men who can put forth all their muscle in a losing race, and it is characteristic of Lessing that what he wrote under the dispiritment of failure should be the most lively and vigorous. Circumstances might be against him, but he was incapable of believing that a cause could be lost which had once enlisted his conviction.
By its appeal to what has been aptly termed "other-worldliness," Christianity immeasurably intensified human responsibility, besides rendering clearer its nature and limits. But according to Lessing, yet another step remains to be taken; and here we come upon the gulf which separates him from men of the stamp of Theodore Parker.
Berlin was hardly the place for Lessing, if he could not take a step in any direction without risk of treading on somebody's gouty foot.
While she listened to him, her face glowed and her eyes shone with a light that every man could not bring into them. As Maurice and his wife followed him with their gaze, the same thought was in their minds, and it had not just come to them, Why could not Francis marry Claire Lessing and settle in America, instead of going back ever and again to that life in the Latin Quarter?
As for what Pleasanton could do in the way of climate, well, Lessing told him, with the air of being only a little less interested than he credited Peter with being, look at the perambulators. They were as fine a lot of wellfilled vehicles as could be produced by any suburb anywhere, and Ellen for one was never tired of looking at them.
He held out his arms, and his new charge sprang into them, pressing arms like sticks around the strong neck of the man who seemed to him already the best friend he had in the world as he was. At eleven o'clock, a round of calls made, the Green Imp came for Bob and Mrs. Lessing.
As they drove off, Bob was bending over and gently, stroking the animal's splendid black mane, with little chuckles and gurgles of joy. Once more Burns looked at Ellen Lessing behind Bob's back. "You're happy now, aren't you?" he asked in tone of assurance. "Then, confound it, I must own I'm paid for letting my wise bachelor notions go hang, just for this time!"
In Germany, Lessing, Goethe, Hegel, Schelling have proclaimed him their master; while even in England, Byron, and George Eliot herself, have recognised all that they owed to him. The first of Rosseau's disciples in France was Bernardin de St. Pierre, whose name has frequently been recalled in connection with Loti.
Besides the influence of the jurists, we may note that the Pietistic movement a reaction of religious enthusiasm against the formal theology of the Lutheran divines was animated by a spirit favourable to toleration; and that the cause was promoted by the leading men of letters, especially by Lessing, in the second half of the eighteenth century.
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