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Updated: November 8, 2024
And thus by his fatal Ambition he must have lessened the Number of his Subjects not only by Slaughter and Destruction, but by preventing their very Births, he has done as much as was possible towards destroying Posterity itself. Is this then the great, the invincible Lewis? This the immortal Man, the tout-puissant, or the Almighty, as his Flatterers have called him?
Ce n'est pas la victoire, c'est le combat qui fait le bonheur des nobles coeurs. Montalembert. Si le Tout-puissant tenait dans une main la vérité, et dans l'autre la recherche de la vérité, c'est la recherche que je lui demanderais. Lessing. Dryden, of Shakspeare. Miss Ferrier. Mrs. Napoleon's remark on Rollin's History. 1 Cor. x. 31. 1 Pet. iii. 1.
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