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We shall do well to remember the words of Renan when we try to estimate the truth of this matter, "La verité consiste dans les nuances," for both estimates may be true; the racial instinct may have to yield here and there to the superior force of economic pressure, and may yet in the main prove powerful enough to prevent the contact that tends to render it of no effect.

"Nous agissons dans l'interet de la verite. Nous ne voulons pas vous blesser," said he. Scorn gave me nerve. I only answered, "Dictate, Monsieur." Rochemorte named this theme: "Human Justice." Human Justice! What was I to make of it? Blank, cold abstraction, unsuggestive to me of one inspiring idea; and there stood M. Emanuel, sad as Saul, and stern as Joab, and there triumphed his accusers.

Her mamma of course impresses on her that this is her husband and that this must be so. It's simply delicious! The present betrothed condition is perhaps better than marriage. Here you have what is called la nature et la verite, ha-ha! I've talked to her twice, she is far from a fool. Sometimes she steals a look at me that positively scorches me. Her face is like Raphael's Madonna.

The Canada, Newfoundland, New Zealand and Hindustan put on speed, passed under her stern, and headed in between the Suffren, Liberte, Verite and Patrie, while the Edward VII., Dominion and Commonwealth turned between the Justice, Democratie, the Aube and Marseillaise. Within a thousand yards the British battleships opened fire.

We've got the Verite, Justice and Democratie, but the Verite has got her propellers and rudders smashed. By the way, that ship of Erskine's, the Ithuriel, has turned out a perfect demon. She smashed up the first attack, sank nine destroyers and two cruisers, one of them was that big chap the Dupleix, before we came on the scene.

Voltaire recognized nothing else in La Rochefoucauld but this sardonic misanthropy, this determination to prove that man is guided solely by self-interest. This Voltaire thought was the seule vérité contained in the "Maximes," and in a measure he was right.

But the most curious French evidence respecting the siege is the Lettre d'un Habitant de Louisbourg contenant une Relation exacte & circonstanciee de la Prise de l'Isle-Royale par les Anglois. A Quebec, chez Guillaume le Sincere, a l'Image de la Verite, 1745. This little work, of eighty-one printed pages, is extremely rare.

Yes, I have had a great deal of bother with him. That poor Mme. Poussette! It is not enough that one is faded and worn and has lost one's only little child, but one must also be wished dead, out of the way by one's husband. Ah you are startled, mais c'est la belle verité! It is a good thing to be a clergyman, like you, Mr.

It is well that she is come under mamma's oversight." "The girl is almost indifferent to me!" said Otto. "Almost!" repeated Sophie. "But this almost, how many degrees of warmth does it contain? 'O Vérité! sont les autels et tes prêtres?" added she, and smiling raised her finger. "Time will show how much you are in error!" answered Otto with much calmness.

Now, it goes without saying that a writer with these methods is not to be taken seriously, but it is worth while to appreciate the quality of intelligence which is received with acclamation by the Catholic Church in France as soon as it comes over from the enemy. "Lucifer Unmasked" appeared originally in the pages of the newspaper La Vérité.