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Of the piety and expression of the French hymns, Foinard, an ardent apostle of the French liturgical novelties, wrote: "Il ne parait pas que ce soit l'onction qui domine dans les nouveaux Breviaries; on y a la verite, travaille beaucoup pour l'esprit; mais il semole qu' on n'y a pas travaille autant pour le coeur."

The Vérité of this morning contains an announcement that a Christmas Session of the House of Commons has turned out Mr. Gladstone by a hostile vote, and that he has been succeeded by a "War Minister." We are inclined to think that the Prussians, being aware of this, have been attempting to terrify us, in order that we may surrender before Sir Disraeli and Milord Pakington come to our rescue.

That care for one's personal safety which is the first duty of thoughtful man compels me therefore to reconcile the appearance of 'la Verite' to the 'bienseances' of the polished society in which 'la Liberte' admits no opinion not dressed after the last fashion.

* See "La Verite sur l'Expedition du Mexique, d'apres les Documents Inedits de Ernest Louet, Payeur-en-Chef du Corps Expeditionnaire," edited by Paul Gaulot. Part I, "Reve d'Empire" p. 37, 4th ed. Ibid, p. 47. This letter was dated "Orizaba, March 17, 1862."

"Is that the true reason, or am I to suspicion that there is anything, sir, which makes you dislike a visit to Paris?" The Americans enjoy the reputation of being the frankest putters of questions whom liberty of speech has yet educated into la recherche de la verite, and certainly Colonel Morley in this instance did not impair the national reputation.

"And there are trees there, and we could have tea under them," continued the General now in utter despair. "Nous boirons du lait, sur l'herbe fraiche," added De Griers with the snarl almost of a wild beast. "Du lait, de l'herbe fraiche" the idyll, the ideal of the Parisian bourgeois his whole outlook upon "la nature et la verite"! "Have done with you and your milk!" cried the old lady.

Konopatin brought the news." Valentina Mihailovna glanced at Paklin; the latter bowed dejectedly. "And you want to go to town at this hour?" "I think the governor will still be up." "I always said it would end like this," Kollomietzev put in. "It couldn't have been otherwise! But what dears our peasants are really! Pardon, madame, c'est votre frere! Mais la verite avant tout!"

I frequently met M. Duval at breakfast at a neighbouring café, and our conversation turned on l'exposition de la pièce, préparer la situation, nous aurons des larmes, etc. One day, as I sat waiting for him, I took up the Voltaire. It contained an article by M. Zola. Naturalisme, la vérité, la science, were repeated some half-a-dozen times.

In the highest as in the lowliest literature, then, the one indispensable beauty is, after all, truth: truth to bare fact in the latter, as to some personal sense of fact, diverted somewhat from men's ordinary sense of it, in the former; truth there as accuracy, truth here as expression, that finest and most intimate form of truth, the vraie vérité.

The man started; his arms rattled heavily as he threw them forward in the lowest and most respectful salute; and when he had again recovered his piece, he turned to walk his post, muttering between his teeth: "Il faut etre vigilant, en verite! je crois que nous avons la, un caporal qui ne dort jamais!"