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Updated: January 5, 2025
Twenty years had elapsed since the bloody corpse of Gaius Gracchus had been flung into the Tiber; for twenty years the government of the restored oligarchy had been endured and cursed; still there had risen no avenger for Gracchus, no second master to prosecute the building which he had begun.
Abram! the attentive, seemingly harmless, guardian of the household! Abram! who had never spoken a word or given a look in any way suggestive of his having played any other part in the hideous drama of their lives than that of the humble and sympathetic servant! The shock was too great, the relief too absolute for credence. He, the listener at the grotto? He, the avenger of the family's honour?
He saw but one thing there, the graveyard on the hill beneath the leafless trees. When he came back to Unity, he looked as he had looked beside the dead, that day on Indian Run. "We are alike, Ludwell and I," he said, "but we are not that much alike. I am little now but an avenger of blood. I shall be that until this draws to an end." He came closer and touched her shoulder with his hand.
Instead of a robe of royal purple He got the winding sheet of the dead. Instead of a palace He got a borrowed grave. The Jews have paid the price of that blindness and betrayal. The man-slayer who unwittingly slew his neighbour or was even ignorant of it at the moment sooner or later found he had to flee from the avenger of blood instantly upon his track.
If I but struck in self-defence, 'tis well; but if in hate, He may bid the avenger of blood follow me to Italy to Italy? ay, to earth's remotest bounds." "Hush!" said Martin peevishly. "I can't hear for your chat." "What is it?" "Do you hear nothing, Margaret; my ears are getting old." Margaret listened, and presently she heard a tuneful sound, like a single stroke upon a deep ringing bell.
Only one knew him, perhaps too well a queen of the Amazons taken prisoner off Terra del Fuego a week previous. She loved the Boy Avenger. But in vain; his youthful heart seemed obdurate. "Hear me," at last he said, when she had for the seventh time wildly proffered her hand and her kingdom in marriage, "and know once and forever why I must decline your flattering proposal. I love another."
If the occasion were grave enough to warrant the massacre of every living thing in the zenana, it called also for the death of the avenger by his own hand as a finishing touch, but it was universally allowed that this could hardly be expected in the case of a man who had left himself no heir.
Then hither and thither ran singing men and women making a great feast for the avenger. Thus he won the beautiful Indian princess who never tired of telling to her children the story of the big red eagle. The red-tipped arrow he drew from the wounded deer was unlike the arrows in his own quiver. Another's stray shot had killed the deer.
Prout was ever an unmitigated nuisance; King came solely as an avenger of blood; even little Hartopp, talking natural history, seldom forgot his office; but the Reverend John was a guest desired and beloved by Number Five.
"But it can't. The two victims were wholly unconnected with each other by any intermediate acquaintances, consequently there can have been no common wrong or common enmity in existence to furnish food for vengeance." "That may be so; it may also be that the avenger made them vicarious victims." "How so?" "It is human nature.
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