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Enough for me to know in my heart of hearts that this man murdered Ludwell Cary, and that he dwells free at Roselands, blackening my niece that he rides free to town pleads his cases does his work ingratiates himself, and grows, grows in the esteem of his county and his state! That, I say, is enough, sir! If you have your clue, for God's sake don't impart it to me!

He stood for a long while without movement, but at last let fall his hands, turned, and went indoors. When, a little later, he threw himself upon his bed and drew his hand across his eyes, he found that it was wet with tears. He spoke aloud, though hardly above his breath. "No, Ludwell, no! In this sole thing I am right. It is not revenge. I am not vindictive, I am not revengeful.

The young man turned squarely to the old. "Thank you, sir. You are the man for me. Was he is he badly hurt?" "There's nothing can ever hurt him more, my dear. It is you, and we with you, who must suffer now. They found him they found him dead, Fair." There was a silence; then, "Ludwell Ludwell dead?" said Cary. "I don't believe you, Major Churchill."

Governor Ludwell, who was a man of great humanity, and considerable knowledge and experience in provincial affairs, by those large estates which were allowed the leading men, and the many indulgences he was authorized to grant to others, had the good fortune to allay the ferment among the people, and reconcile them to the proprietors. But this domestic tranquility was of short duration.

Fairfax Cary, shall we walk a little to one side? You have, I see, the case of pistols. Dr. McClurg, if you will kindly station yourself beneath yonder oak " The seconds stepped aside for their conference, and the doctor retreated to the indicated oak. Lewis Rand and Ludwell Cary exchanged a comment or two upon the weather, then fell silent.

O God!" she said, but made no other prayer. The minutes passed. There was a step, the sound of the gate-latch, and a hand upon the knocker. She rose from her knees, and was standing by the table when, in another moment, the drawing-room door opened to admit Ludwell Cary. He came forward. "You sent for me" He paused, stepped back, and looked at her fully and gravely. "Something has happened.

Gilmer, when illness called him in that direction, always drew rein at her gate. Ludwell Cary was out of the county, and Fairfax Cary never rode that way. Unity came whenever it was possible, and thrice, between July and October, Deb and Miranda and a horsehair trunk arrived for a blissful week. To Deb they were unshadowed days.

But Philip Ludwell and Robert Beverley drew up a petition in the name of the people of Gloucester, stating that Bacon had stripped them of arms and asking the governor to protect them. Although "not five persons knew about it," Berkeley accepted it as a call to action. "This petition is most willingly granted," he wrote. It was his duty to protect the King's loyal subjects.

Fairfax Cary might be thankful to have so informed a mind and heart. It is well to blame a man for his birth!" "Mr. Ludwell Cary said, 'A man's a man for a' that. What does that mean, Jacqueline?" "It means," said Jacqueline, "that that man stamps the guinea, but God sees the gold." "Won't you tell me a story?" demanded Deb.

"Do not push innocence upon the board! When did it begin, your deep interest in my concerns? Before the world was made, I think, for always we have been at odds. But this this especial matter, Ludwell Cary, this began with the letter which you wrote and signed 'Aurelius'!" "A letter that told the truth, Mr. Rand." "That is as may be. Telling the truth is at times an occupation full of danger."