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It was getting dusk, and the reflection of the red sunset shone brightly on the heaving water. "I 'spected I'd neber see dis again," said Washington. "Thought suah I was a gone chicken!" "We had a most fortunate escape," said the professor. "You did the trick for us when you let the acid run from that tank into the sea.

"Then you were going to cook your breakfast, I suppose," said Harry. "Yes, child, if somebody 'ud come along and fetch me something to eat." "Haven't you anything at all in the house?" asked Kate. "Not a pinch o' meal, nor nothin' else," said the old woman; "but I 'spected somebody 'ud be along." "Did you know, Aunt Matilda," said Harry, "that they are going to send you to the alms-house?"

"I didn't s'pose you 'spected to get him yourself," said Uncle Jaw, "for I guess by this time you've pretty much gin up trying, hain't ye? But Susan does, I'm pretty sure." "Here, Susan! Susan! you come down!" called Miss Silence, in great wrath, throwing open the chamber door. "Mr. Adams wants to speak with you."

I watched you, and you came along like an ice wagon after a day's work on the Fourth of July. You were going fast, but moving slow." "I 'spects we was, Massa Tom," was the colored man's answer. "But Boomerang done better dan I 'spected he would. I done tole him yo'd be in a hurry t' git yo' telephone, an' he sho' did trot along." "My telephone?" repeated Tom, wonderingly.

They said I was 'changed." "Exchanged, wasn't it?" "Reckon it was. Anyhow I wuz bro't yere with a lot o' sick fellers. I wuzn't sick. For a long time the doctors kep' a- pesterin' me with questions, but they lemme 'lone now. I 'spected you wuz a new doctor, en at it agin." "Don't you remember the village of Alton?" The man shook his head.

But the sheriff was not so easily deceived. "What's this yer grippin' in yer hand, Jeff? A rock big enough to knock a man silly. Thought tuh drap in down on the head o' this hyah youngster, didn't yuh? Easy way tuh git the upper hand o' him, yuh spected. Shucks! Don't yuh open that mouth o' yourn tuh say another word.

'Pears to me you's not so much cut up about dis leetle business as I 'spected you would be." "I am anxious, of course, about Hester," returned the middy; "but at the same time greatly relieved, first, to know that she is in the hands of a respectable British sailor; and, second, that she is not in the hands of these bloodthirsty piratical Moors. But what about her father?

No high ground about Cairo, Jim said. I had forgot it. We laid up for the day on a towhead tolerable close to the left-hand bank. I begun to suspicion something. So did Jim. I says: "Maybe we went by Cairo in the fog that night." He says: "Doan' le's talk about it, Huck. Po' niggers can't have no luck. I awluz 'spected dat rattlesnake-skin warn't done wid its work."

"'Bout dat time Sally Jackson, dat used to be my second chambermaid en 'uz head chambermaid now, she come out on de guard, en 'uz pow'ful glad to see me, en so 'uz all de officers; en I tole 'em I'd got kidnapped en sole down de river, en dey made me up twenty dollahs en give it to me, en Sally she rigged me out wid good clo'es, en when I got here I went straight to whah you used to wuz, en den I come to dis house, en dey say you's away but 'spected back every day; so I didn't dast to go down de river to Dawson's, 'ca'se I might miss you.

But Toto and Billina can't be 'spected to go hungry when the town's full of good things they like to eat, 'cause they can't understand your stingy ways as I do." "You must leave here at once!" said Mr. Bunn, sternly. "Suppose we won't go?" said Dorothy, who was now much provoked. "Then," said he, "we will put you into the great ovens where we are made, and bake you."