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I had a little suit of black velvet I remember it was the first I ever had with pockets in it and one day the pup got hold of it and tore it all to pieces. Dad gave him away at last because he did so much damage." "What was its name?" "Pinto." "Why, isn't that funny almost the name Carrie wanted! If I had a dog, Tom, I should name him Pinto Ponto Poco Pronto. Wouldn't that be grand?

There was probably no earthly reason why the "Poco Mas o Menos" Club of San Francisco should have ever existed, or why its five harmless, indistinctive members should not have met and dined together as ordinary individuals. Still less was there any justification for the gratuitous opinion which obtained, that it was bold, bad, and brilliant.

DOÑA MATILDE. Que D. Eduardo me trajo esta mañana. BRUNO. ¡Habrá bribón! DOÑA MATILDE. A petición mía ... porque una mujer desgraciada no puede estar sin un poco de veneno en su ridículo. BRUNO. Maldita la necesidad que veo yo de eso....

Importa poco que la aspiración al sufragismo aparezca en su estado inicial o tenga la forma vaga de una proposición no definida y concreta: desde el momento en que ha apuntado esa aspiración, para mi es que ha brotado la semilla a flor de tierra y es inútil ahogarla, pues volverá a brotar.

The superseded interpreter, who was standing near, seemingly took no notice, immediately traduced this literally to the unhappy men. A murmur arose amongst them. "Que el padre ya! Somos en Capilla entonces poco tiempo, poco tiempo!"

I will ask all people, sabe, everywhere, your people, my people, and if everybody pay twenty dollars, then we pay twenty dollars. Sabe? But we no pay twenty dollars unless you get us to Cruces poco pronto, sabe? Now we start." The boatman broke into a torrent of talk. "Says he's got to find his assistant," Talbot explained to us.

Her master flung out a command or two in her own language. " poco tiempo, " she answered, and disappeared. In a surprisingly short time the meal was ready, set out on a table white with Irish linen and winking with cut glass and silver. "Mr. Leroy does not believe at all in doing when in Rome as the Romans do," Alice explained to Collins, in answer to his start of amazement.

But observe, while in these personages of the group are depicted the deeper and graver agencies implicated in the bright but terrible invention, observe how little the light epicures of the hour heed the scowl of the monk, or the restless gesture of Richard, or the troubled gleam in the eyes of the artisan, King Edward, handsome Poco curante, delighted in the surprise of a child, with a new toy, and Clarence, with his curious, yet careless, glance, all the while Caxton himself, calm, serene, untroubled, intent solely upon the manifestation of his discovery, and no doubt supremely indifferent whether the first proofs of it shall be dedicated to a Rivers or an Edward, a Richard or a Henry, Plantagenet or Tudor 't is all the same to that comely, gentle-looking man.

I said as much to the master, and he consented to give me "Bel raggio," of "Semiramide." It is as good as an exercise, anyway, because it is nothing but cadenzas. Then he allowed me to sing "Una voce poco fa." I told him that mama had put on a pound of flesh since I was permitted to roam in these fresh pastures. This made him laugh.

"We go slow," Luis explained nervously because of the look in the black, unreadable eyes of this straight, slim Indian girl who was so beautiful and so silent. "They go muy fas', Ramon an' Beel. Poco tiempo sure, we fin' dem little soon." Annie-Many-Ponies did not betray by so much as a quiver of an eyelash that Luis had mentioned Bill unwittingly.