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Updated: September 6, 2024

I knew I would come on it, for the sound of it was always like a sunny day in Portugal or Spain He estado en Espana." "This is the boy, Dugald," said Miss Mary; "this is just our Gilian." "I see that. I know him finely," said the General, turning upon him a roving melancholy eye: "Jock's recruit.... Did you get back from your walk, my young lad?

This statement I found confirmed in the pages of the Estado Geografico: "On the fourth of January, 1641 a memorable day, for on that date all the known volcanoes of the Archipelago began to erupt at the same hour a lofty hill in Camarines, inhabited by heathens, fell in, and a fine lake sprang into existence upon its site.

They moved in the direction of the old botanical garden, towards the Estado Mayor, and so absorbed were the three in trying to fathom the cause of the excitement that they were deaf to Ignacio's announcement.

“F. V. GREENE, “Brigadier-General of Volunteers, U. S. A. “B. P. LAMBERTON, “Captain U. S. Navy. “CHARLES A. WHITTIER, “Lieutenant-Colonel and Inspector-General. “E. H. CROWDER, “Lieutenant-Colonel and Judge-Advocate. “NICHOLAS DE LA PENA, “Auditor-General’s excts. “CARLOS REYEO, “Colonel de Ingenieros. “JOSE MARIA OLQUEN, “Felia de Estado Majors. “HONGKONG, August 20th.

Se sienten renacer el ánimo y la esperanza, las muchedumbres se avienen con el nuevo estado de cosas y los más recalcitrantes se lastimarían si se les propusiera que se volviese el antiguo estado. Así ha ocurrido en nuestro país. Así se ha hecho siempre el progreso y así marchará siempre par nuevos caminos. Es preciso que tomemos la resolución de vencer nuestros temores y escrúpulos.

Y con esta vostra tan senallada merced y fauor que en esso reciberemos, quedaremos nosotros con grandissima obligation a vostra Alteza de seruir la por ello, segun que el dicho Sennor Iuan Tipton, a quien nos reportamos de todo lo demas, mejor informira vostra Alteza: Cuya serenissima persona y estado supplicamos y pidimos a Dios omnipotente prosperu y accrescente con toda felicitad y honra.

The soil from which this vapor issues is an extremely white earth; it is sometimes thrown up to the height of a yard or a yard and a half, and meeting the lower temperature of the atmosphere falls to the ground in small pieces." Estado geograph., 1865.

Con el nombre de Dios piadoso y misericordioso, &c. El sieruo de Dios soberano, el conquistador per su causa, el successor ensalçado por Dios, Emperador de los Moros, hijo del Emperador de los Moros, Iariffe, Haceni, el que perpetue su honora, y ensalçe su estado. Se pone este nuestro real mandado en manos de los criados de neustras altas puertas los mercadores Yngleses; para que por el sepan todos los que la presente vieren, come nuestro alto Conseio les anpara con el fauor de Dios de todo aquello, que les enpeciere y dannare en qualquiera manera, que fueren offendidos, y en qualquiera viaie, que fueren, ninguno les captinar

These general circumstances are subject to many local deviations, particularly on the south and west coasts, where the uniformity of the air currents is disturbed by the mountainous islands lying in front of them. According to the Estado geografico of 1855, an extraordinarily high tide, called dolo, occurs every year at the change of the monsoon in September or October.

*se habrá usted estado leyendo*: 'you must have been reading. The future of possibility, with the corresponding conditional to express possibility in the past, occurs very frequently in this play. *Pero hombre, que estás ahí charlando sin saber*: 'but, man alive, there you are' etc.

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