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Updated: August 13, 2024

"I reckon he must 'a' be'n dead ti'ed, suh, fer I went back ter his room fifteen er twenty minutes after he come in fer ter fin' out w'at he wanted fer breakfus'; an' I knock' two or three times, rale ha'd, an' Mistuh Tom didn' wake up no mo' d'n de dead. He sho'ly had a good sleep, er he'd never 'a' got up so ea'ly." "Thank you, Sally," said Mr.

Which left only one thing for Val to do. "I'll get the chest, Jeems. Let me have your key to the cabin. I'll take the outboard motor and be back before I'm missed." "Yo' don't know the swamp " "I know how to find the cabin. Where's the key?" "In theah," he pointed to the highboy. Val's fingers closed about the bit of metal. "Mistuh," Jeems straightened, "Ah won't forgit this."

"So that's why everything was so clean! That was nice of her " "Yo'all is Ralestones, Miss 'Chanda. An' Lucy say dat de Ralestones am a-goin' to fin' dis place jest ready for dem when dey come." He beamed upon them proudly. "Lucy, she am a-goin' be heah jest as soon as she gits de chillens set for de day. I'se come fust so's Ah kin see wat Mistuh Ralestone done wan' done wi dem rivah fiel's "

I'll put the gold in it, Sandy; it will hold it very nicely." "Thank y', Mistuh Tom. You're a gentleman, suh, an' wo'thy er de fam'ly name. Good-night, suh, an' I hope yo' dreams 'll be pleasanter 'n' mine. Ef it wa'n't fer dis gol' kinder takin' my min' off'n dat ha'nt, I don' s'pose I'd be able to do much sleepin' ter-night. Good-night, suh." "Good-night, Sandy."

Down where they sent Robin, I expect?" "That's right," says he. "I'm from Goober." "Goober!" I echoes. "Say, that's a choice one too! No wonder Robin couldn't stand it! Sent you up to fetch him back, did they?" "No, Suh," says he. "Mistuh Phil Hollister didn't send me at all. I jes' come, Suh, and I can't say if I'm goin' to carry him back or no. You see it's like this: Robin, he's a good boy.

"If you mean the Ralestones, why, we got here last night," Val answered. "Yo'all is Mistuh Ralestone, suh?" He took off his wide-brimmed straw hat and twisted it in his oversized hands. "I'm Valerius Ralestone. My brother Rupert is the owner." "Well, Mistuh Ralestone, suh, I'se yo'all's fahmah from 'cross wata. Mistuh LeFleah, he says dat yo'all is come to live heah agin.

"Is I? Boy, is you evuh hear tell o' Mistuh Abe Linkum? Aftuh Gin'ral Sherman bun down de big house smack en smoove, en tote off all de cow en mule en hawg en t'ing, en dem Yankees tief all de fowl, en we-all run lak rabbit, Mistuh Linkum done sen' word we 's free. En jus' lak Mistuh Linkum say, hit 's so; aftuh us git shet o' Gin'ral Sherman, we 's free.

Well, the surprise he had promised Ricky might cover the problem. As he reached for a certain black note-book, someone knocked on his door. "Mistuh Val, wheah's Miss 'Chanda? She ain't up heah an' Ah wan's to " Lucy stood in the hall. The light from the round window was reflected from every corrugated wave of her painfully marcelled hair.

Well, you heard what that man said just now that we had found our luck. It's so; we have had good luck since. But I'm sorry; do get on with the story of Jeems' box." "Ah gave it to him Monday," said the swamper slowly. "But, Mistuh Creighton, there weren't nothin' in that chest but some books full of handwritin' most in some funny foreign stuff an' a French prayer-book."

"You ... Mistuh " Forrest's voice took on the ring Drew had heard at Harrisburg. "Wheah's your oar, Mistuh?" The man was startled. "As an officer, suh " Still gripping his pole with one hand, the General swung out a long arm, catching the lieutenant hard on one cheek with enough force to send him over the gunwale into the river.

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