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So, already much belated, Goober Glory as she had now become was forced to depart to her task, though she turned about once or twice to wave farewell to her employer and to smile upon him, but she meant to make the greatest haste, for, of all delightful things, a secret was best. In Elbow Lane "Pea nuts! Cent-a-b-a-a-g!"

"You damned fool!" were Guffey's first words. Peter's knees went weak and his teeth began to chatter again. "Wh-wh-what?" he cried. "Didn't I tell you to hold your mouth?" And Guffey looked as if he were going to twist Peter's wrist again. "Mr. Guffey, I ain't told a soul! I ain't said one word about the Goober case, not one word!" Peter rushed on, pouring out protests. But Guffey cut him short.

Peter read the American City "Times" every morning, and knew that the cause of Goober was the cause of anarchy and riot, while the cause of the district attorney and of Guffey's secret service was the cause of law and order.

"We-e-ell," says he, "I reckon I shouldn't a done it nohow, but he left the envelope to her letter on his desk, a Miss Toots it come from, and the address was on the back. It was directly afterwards that Robin quits Goober so sudden." "Ah-ha!" says I. "Maggie Toots again, eh?"

For one thing Jim Goober was convicted and sentenced to die on the gallows, and Jim Goober's associate, Biddle, was found guilty, and sentenced to prison for life. Also, America entered the war, and a wave of patriotic excitement swept like a prairie fire over the country.

Guffey ordered him back to the hole, declaring his intention to prove that Peter was the one who had thrown the bomb, and that Peter, instead of Jim Goober, had been the head and front of the conspiracy. Hadn't Peter signed a confession that he had helped to make the bomb? Section 11 Again Peter did not know how long he lay shivering in the black dungeon.

In the later hours the little girl, also, wore another title "Goober Glory" because she was one of the children employed by Antonio Salvatore, the peanut man, to sell his wares on commission. But grandpa, Glory, and Bo'sn had the long delightful mornings at home and together; and this day, as usual, their talk turned upon the dream of their lives "Sailors' Snug Harbor." "Now, grandpa, talk.

They hung around the courthouse and were summoned on panel after panel, being paid six dollars a day, with numerous opportunities to make money on the side if they were clever. Among this group of professional jurors, there was the keenest competition to get into the jury-box of the Goober case.

They had Goober in jail, with his wife and three of his gang, and thru the newspapers of the city they were carrying on a propaganda to prepare the public for the hanging of all five. And that was all right, of course; Jim Goober was only a name to Peter, and of less importance than a single one of Peter's meals.

James were thru with the Goober case; both were tired and wanted a change, and Peter, blushing shyly, suggested that a sojourn at the beach might be fun. Mrs. James agreed immediately, and the matter was arranged. Peter had seen enough of the detective business by this time to know what you can safely do, and what you had better not do.