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Updated: August 11, 2024

"'Wae's me, said the lad, 'for I canna follow him. An' what can I tell my mither that she doesna ca' me a coward this day? "The young lad gazed across the chasm, an' as he looked he saw a shinin', misty light, an' in it the form o' a beautiful woman, an' he bared his heid an' bowed before this veesion.

"Hm, well" Joseph Heid rubbed his nose and scratched himself behind the ears "one cannot say for certain. William is now detained on suspicion and the case is being investigated. They will soon prove that he set the fires." "What fires?" She opened her eyes wide. "Why, the fires here in the village!

Yince a'body was gled to see me, and wad keep me as lang's I wantit, and had aye a gud word at meeting and pairting. Noo it's a' changed, and my wark's dune." I saw fine that the man was daft, but what answer could I gie to his havers? Folk in the Callowa Glens are as kind as afore, but ill weather and auld age had put queer notions intil his heid.

All the country for many miles about, poured into the city on that day, and among some amusing anecdotes of the occasion, I find this: "A gentleman living near Edinburgh, said to his farm-servant, 'Well, John, did you see the Queen? 'Troth did I that, sir. 'Well, what did you think of her? 'In truth, sir, I was terrible 'feared afore she came forrit my heart was maist in my mouth, but whan she did come forrit, I was na feared at a'; I just lookit at her, and she lookit at me, an' she bowed her heid at me, an' I bowed my heid at her."

"And yeer gun jammed, A'm thinkin', so wi' rair presence o' mind, ye stood oop in the fuselage an' hit the nairest representative of the Imperial Gairman Air Sairvice a crack over the heid wi' a spanner." A little group began to form at the door of the mess-room, for the news that Tam the Scoot was "up" was always sufficient to attract an audience.

An' noo ye hae pitten't intil my heid that there's Wattie Witherspail an' Jonathan Auldbuird for the porters to open an' lat a' that's left o' 's oot again! Think o' sic like haein' sic a han' in sic solemn maitters!"

"No' ony laddie could gang a' the way up an' come doon wi' 'is heid no' broken. Bobby couldna do it, an' he's mair like a wild fox than an ordinar' dog. Noo, we're the Light Brigade at Balaklava. Chairge!" The Crimean War was then a recent event. Heroes of Sebastopol answered the summons of drum and bugle in the Castle and fired the hearts of Edinburgh youth.

'It will have been a merman, Rorie said. 'A merman! screamed my uncle with immeasurable scorn. 'Auld wives' clavers! There's nae sic things as mermen. 'But what was the creature like? I asked. 'What like was it? Gude forbid that we suld ken what like it was! It had a kind of a heid upon it man could say nae mair.

"Na, na, Jean," interposed the farmer, "they wad tak care o' themsel's to the last, an' aye haud to the dryest, jist as ye wad yersel'." "Allooin'," said the stranger, replying to Jean, yet speaking rather as if to herself, while she thought about something else, "I wad raither droon soomin' nor tied by the heid. But what's the guid o' doctrine whaur there's onything to be dune?

"It's just this," replied Peter, thus admonished. "I'm no a man that can gae heid ower ears a' in a meenit; I must prove folks first. These Foresters, they're English for ae thing, an' maybe they'll bring new fangles to Braeside, which, bein' a Scotsman, I canna gie my approbation to. I'm no sayin' they wull, but they micht. Na, na, Miss Marjory; I maun prove them first."

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