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"I'm bound to step along with you even if there'd be a legion o' them rattlebugs lyin' in the trail awaitin' to sting us. When I get started on anything I gen'rally keeps right on with it, even if I have to wade through hell-fire. An' that goes, partner, see?"

Wull, here was all these here men awaitin', zum wi' harses, zum wi'out; the common volk wi' long girt guns, and tha quarlity wi' girt broad-swords. Who wor there? Whay latt me zee.

There are certain features about the Whatnot which, by the way, I consider a most original and attractive name that are intended to indicate " "Suppah, sah! An' Missy Sabel awaitin'," interrupted Solon, thrusting his woolly head into the doorway at that moment.

"That's right, Johnny," remarked Toby, impatiently, "let's take it for granted then they come in the dark. What will they do next?" "Huh! what'd any feller do when he sees sech a nice box awaitin' for him to git up on, so's to grab the nigh turk?" demanded Johnny. "Now, if yuh watch me yuh'll git the ijee in a jiffy." A stout rope seemed to be hanging from the limb overhead.

Once oi 'ad some pride and hambition; now oi 'angs round awaitin' for some one to saigh, "Ere, Billy, 'ave summat." Once Billy was a good fellow and 'ad plenty o' friends; now Slavin 'isself kicks un hout, 'ee does. Why? why? His voice rose to a shriek. 'Because when Billy 'ad money in 'is pocket, hevery man in this bloomin' camp as meets un at hevery corner says, "'Ello, Billy, wat'll ye 'ave?"

Seems there was some rumpus aboot th' old Rhamda Avec, which same Oi always kept away from him as was goin' to prove th' spirits! Annyhow, we was guardin' th' temple awaitin' th' spook as was promised. An' thot's how we got th' ould doc. "But th' Rhamdas niver saw him. Th' Senestro double-crossed 'em, an' slipped th' doctor oop to th' Palace av Light." "The Palace of what?"

And a comfortable 'ome awaitin' 'er with two 'ired girls to do the work and plenty of hands on the farm and the best of cheese and butter and the Harmonium in the parlor and drives to and fro' the Church and behind it all a solid man a solid man what do ye think she'd 'uv said?" Was ever man more in earnest, now that it had suddenly broken from him after all these years, than honest Farmer Wise?

"I've got to go now. But I'll be back later," he promised. "Yo'll tell him?" Jeems stabbed a finger at the door. "Yes; after supper. I promise." With a little sigh Jeems relaxed and burrowed down into the softness of the pillow. "Ah'll be awaitin'," he said. It had been on of those dull, weepy days when a sullen drizzle clouded sky and earth.

Then they shoves this impromptoo cauldron inside the little robe house where as I'm aware for I onderstands the signs from the start thar's a sick buck quiled up awaitin' relief. This yere invalid buck stays in thar twenty minutes. The water boils an' bubbles an' the steam gets that abundant not to say urgent she half lifts the robes an' blankets at the aiges to escape.

Was she awaitin' for you on the sands, or how? Mr. Vane shook his head. 'I know no more about it than you, he said. But he still looked so white and faint that the lighthouse man and the others gave all their attention to getting him warmed and dried, and at last they got him to look a little better, though he declared he could not go to sleep. 'You can stay quiet any way, said Mr. Mildmay.