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"The great Captain Lovett!" he faltered. "Little Paul at the top of the profession! Lord, Lord! I always said as how he'd the hambition to rise!" "Well, well, but the father's name?" At this question the expression of Dummie's face fell; a sudden horror struggled to his eyes Why is it that at moments there creeps over us an awe, a terror, overpowering but undefined?

The black man thinks his sweetheart is business enough, long as she likes him. He works fur her, to love her, not to be makin' a fool of her, and put his own head full of hambition, as dey calls it. You couldn't git along wid one o' dem pale, mutterin' white men, Virgie. Now, Roxy's white man, he's most as keerless as a nigger; he kin't do nothin' but make love, nohow.

If a man shows a spark of public feeling, it's all hambition. I don't want no notoriety. I wants to earn my bread peaceable, and to be let alone when I'm about my own business. I pays rates for the police to look after rogues, not to haul folks about and lock 'em up for days and nights, who is doing what they has a legal right to do."

"The great Captain Lovett!" he faltered. "Little Paul at the top of the profession! Lord, Lord! I always said as how he'd the hambition to rise!" "Well, well, but the father's name?" At this question the expression of Dummie's face fell; a sudden horror struggled to his eyes Why is it that at moments there creeps over us an awe, a terror, overpowering but undefined?

Once oi 'ad some pride and hambition; now oi 'angs round awaitin' for some one to saigh, "Ere, Billy, 'ave summat." Once Billy was a good fellow and 'ad plenty o' friends; now Slavin 'isself kicks un hout, 'ee does. Why? why? His voice rose to a shriek. 'Because when Billy 'ad money in 'is pocket, hevery man in this bloomin' camp as meets un at hevery corner says, "'Ello, Billy, wat'll ye 'ave?"

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