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Her brother's wife's cousin had "neuralgy" for years, and she described his sufferings with enthusiasm and infinite detail. Mr. Tidditt answered her questions verbally at first; later by nods and shakes of the head. Captain Cy fidgeted in his chair. "Come on outdoor, Ase," he said at last. "No use to wait till she runs down, 'cause she's a self-winder, guaranteed to keep goin' for a year.

Look out, Ase. Widow women are dangerous, they say; presents are one of the first baits they heave out." "Don't be foolish, now! I couldn't chuck it back at her, could I? That would be pretty manners. You needn't talk about widders not after Debby! Ho! ho!" Captain Cy chuckled. Then he suddenly became serious. "Ase," he said, "you remember the time when the Howes folks had this house?

Do you mean to say, Bailey Bangs, that you went ahead, on your own hook, and hired that old relic to " "I did. And I had my authority, didn't I, Whit? You told me you'd leave it in my hands, now didn't you?" The captain smiled somewhat ruefully, and scratched his head. "Why, to be honest, Bailey, I believe I did," he admitted. "Still, I hardly expected Humph! is she deef, as Ase says?"

Why, Ase, you've been a candidate every two years since Noah got the ark off the ways, or along there. And there ain't been any opposition to you yet, except that time when Uncle 'Bial Stickney woke up in the wrong place and hollered 'No, out of principle, thinkin' he was to home with his wife. If I was you I'd go and take a nap.

She'd feel so sort of ashamed if there was anyone else to hear the rakin' over hey?" "Now, see here, Ase," expostulated the captain, "I don't like to do this all by myself! Besides, 'twas you chaps put me up to it. You ain't goin' to pull out of the race and leave me to go over the course alone, are you? Come on! what are, you afraid of?"

"Bekase, sir," continued the worthy man, "here's Darby More, who's afflicted with a comflamboration, or some sich thing, inwardly, an' if you should ase him, sir, I'd pay the damages, whatever they might be." The Doctor smiled slightly.

Good-night!" he shouted, addressing Mrs. Beasley, and heading for the door. "Where you goin'?" asked the old lady. "No. Yes. Who said so? Hooray! Three cheers for Gen'ral Scott! Come on, Ase!" And the captain, seizing his friend by the arm, dragged him into the open air, and slammed the door. "Are you crazy?" demanded the astonished town clerk. "What makes you talk like that?" "Might as well.

I wasn't enthusiastic over the job, but everybody said I was exactly the feller for the place. "To tell you the truth," drawls Darius, "you, being a stranger, are the only one that Ase couldn't talk over. He's got a tongue that's buttered on both sides and runs on ball bearings. If I should see him he'd work on my sympathies till I'd lend him the last two-cent piece in my baby's bank."

The other side's got almost all the powder and the men. Heman and Tad and that Thomas have got seven eighths of Bayport behind 'em, not to mention the 'Providence' they're so sure of. My crowd is a mighty forlorn hope: Dimick and Ase Tidditt, and Bailey, as much as his wife 'll let him. Oh, yes!" and he smiled whimsically, "there's another one. A new recruit's just joined; Georgianna's enlisted.

"Evenin', Ase," observed the captain, folding the sheet of paper and putting it into his pocket. "Glad you come. Sit down. I wanted to ask you somethin'." "All right! Here I be. Heave ahead and ask." Captain Cy puffed at his pipe. He seemed about to speak and then to think better of it, for he crossed his legs and smoked on in silence, gazing at the nickel work of the "base-burner" stove.